More TF2 Headcanons because you guys loved the last one.

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You guys better buckle up because I'm already thinking of a pt 3

Tw - Bigotry, alcoholism

Not specifically set in 2023, kinda a mix of being in the 60s and 2023. You'll get what I mean in certain headcanons.


All of them are animal people on some level.

Demo, Engie, and Heavy all love cats. I personally think Demo has a cat on base that he manages to hide from the others. He found it outside one night, it also had a fucked up eye. They love each other.

Sniper loves rabbits, I wonder why. He also loves Australian wildlife. He's a big fan of crocodiles but won't admit it because he hates the idea of being a stereotype.

Scout and Solider love dogs.

Spy claims he doesn't like animals. He will call then "Filthy beasts." He's lying. He's a liar. He loves birds. sometimes, he just disappears for an hour or two, and the other mercs are super confused. He's hiding in Medic's room with his birds. He also likes Maine Coons.

Medic obviously loves birds. His doves are his pride and joy, but I think he actually likes all animals. He finds comfort in reptiles because he also sometimes feels like he lacks the ability to feel emotion. Archimedes is his favorite. Don't let him tell you he "doesn't play favorites." With his birds. He does.

Pyro has one of those bubble eyed goldfish. They named it firefly, and none of the other mercs know where they got it from. They love fish! They'd have a koi pond if they had room.


Demoman time because he's an underrated king! (TW: ALCOHOLISM)

I don't actually think Demo is plastered all the time. Sure, some nights, he'll get blackout drunk and seriously have no recollection of what he did the night before. I think most days, he's a functional alcoholic who's over exaggerating how drunk he is. He wants attention but doesn't know why or how to ask for it.

This. Man. Has. Emotional. Issues.

On a positive note! I agree with the headcannons saying he dyes his hair to look like a fire. He's also a really good cook when he's willing to step into the kitchen.


Engie has dentures, not because of age or anything. I just think he genuinely never had a family that was present or super caring. Honestly, I also think he's super protective of his teammates because they're family to him) No one ever really told him about how important taking care of his teeth was. Medic nearly fainted when he saw Engie's teeth. Also! He definitely made his own dentures.



Demo and Medic have a shared bond in the fact that they've faced discrimination.

Demo pretends like he doesn't notice the discrimination, but that shit hurts him. Being in America during the tail end of segregation really fucked him up.

I've seen people headcanon Medic as Jewish, and I honestly agree, but it also adds another layer to the discrimination he faces.

I don't know if this is cannon or not, but I heard people saying he left Germany because of WW2. I definitely think this man has gone through the trauma of fleeing his home country to seek asylum in a less dangerous country. He has nightmares about this.

There's no way he didn't live in constant fear over being Jewish. I also definitely think for a while that he hated his German heritage because of what was happening in the world. Like this man full on wouldn't speak because he could only speak German or with a prominent accent, and he was so ashamed. After the war, though, he stopped having this internalized hatred.

Also, if you headcanon him as a Nazi. Go fuck yourself.


Spy time!

I genuinely think this man wants to be a good father to Scout, but he has no reference. I definitely think that Spy's dad walked out on him or didn't love him as a child. Also, with his job being what it is, he definitely gets scared when he feels an actual connection with someone.

He is way to fucking scared to tell Scout that he's his dad. He pretends that not telling Scout is just easier for everyone, but he's really scared that Scout will never look at him or talk to him again. He truly values Scouts opinions even if he doesn't make that know.


Oh, did someone ask for Medic headcanons again?? No? Well, he's my favorite girl, so....

He has gotten glitter in at least one mercs chest cavity. He literally glitter glued Heavy's ribs back together when he kept asking when his ribs would grow back.

This man is a menace at pride parades. He is the most flamboyant gay you've ever met. Let's be honest he's dressed up as FrankNFurter more than once.

He would bedazzled his gloves and boots for the Barbie movie.


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