Friends no-more ☁️

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Russia and you are best friends.

Y/N is gender neutral

Y/N = Your Name
F/C = Favourite colour
F/F = Favourite food
F/CL = Favourite clothes

3rd pov

Russia and Y/N were driving in the Russian winter snow, listening to traditional Russian music that he put on, having small talks here and there.

Russia then spoke calmly, "You're really going to like this surprise, Y/N."

Y/N responded, "Oh, really? I have high hopes for it."

Russia chuckled and smiled.

(Time skip an hour later)

Russia then stopped the car in front of a log cabin, and then he said, "We're here."

He got out of the car and opened Y/N's door and helped them out. He grabbed his bag and took it to the cabin while Y/N did the same.

"This is my dad's old cabin, but he decided to give it to me. He fixed up some things and cleaned it up for me and you." He spoke fondly about the cabin. He gently guided them around the cabin and showed them everything. The cabin was rustic and welcoming. The bathroom had heated tiles. The kitchen brought great comfort to Y/N. Russia then showed Y/N the bedroom, there was a double bed, and the frame looked handmade. There were two things on the bed other than the blanket and pillows. One was a gift box and a bouquet of chamomiles. Russia took them to the bed and gave them the gift box.

"Open it... it's for you." He softly spoke.

Y/N opened the gift box and saw their F/C F/CL. They gasped and smiled happily. Russia chuckled and also offered the bouquet of chamomiles.

"Y/N, I would like to give you these chamomiles..."

His face was incredibly red. He was scared for them to reject the flowers.

Y/N smiled, "Thank you, I feel like I should repay you back..."

Y/N gently took the flowers from Russia.

"You really don't have to, Y/N." Russia smiled back. "Oh, is it okay if we sleep in the same bed? We don't have another..."

Y/N nodded, "That's fine with me."

Y/N got a vase and put the chamomiles in it with water. Y/N felt tired after the long trip there.

"Russia, I'm going to take a nap on the couch..." Y/N said tiredly.

"Okay, Y/N, rest well..." He smiled.

(One hour later)

Y/N woke up, but instead of finding themselves on the couch, they found themself on the bed covered up in the blanket. Then suddenly, they started to smell something delicious. It smelled a lot like F/F. They got up and walked over to the kitchen and saw Russia cooking... F/F? How did he get the recipe?

Russia was humming a Russian song while making F/F.

Y/N walked up to him, "You're making F/F?"

Russia nodded, "Yeah. I figured you would be hungry after your sweet nap..."

Y/N asked, "How did you get the recipe?"

Russia chuckled, "You're mom gave me the recipe."

They giggled, "I figured my mom would give you the recipe."

Russia continued to cook while Y/N watched. A little later, Russia decided to ask Y/N a question, "Y/N, I was wondering, after we eat, we could cuddle by the fire... only if it's alright with you..."

Y/N couldn't help but say yes, "It's fine with me, I was actually kinda wanting to cuddle anyways..."

After they both eat Y/N's F/F, Russia cleaned the dishes while Y/N set up the area where they were both going to cuddle. Russia then walked back and grabbed a blanket, and wrapped it around Y/N and himself. They both sat down and started to cuddle.

It was getting late, and Y/N started to get tired. They laid their head against Russia's chest and started to fall asleep...

Russia's pov

I watched Y/N fall asleep... I gently picked up Y/N and took them to the bedroom. I laid them down under the covers and went back to the living room to clean up the area we were cuddling in. My face blushed at all the thoughts of Y/N being my dear (girlfriend/ boyfriend/ lover). I put out the fire in the fireplace and went back to the bedroom. I laid down next to them and brought them close to my body. I kissed the top of their head and softly whispered...

"I love you..."

I heard Y/N mumbled, "I love you too..."

Then cuddled into me more, I smiled happily and then went to sleep...

(Part 2?)

(787 words)

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