Maple vodka ☁️

192 4 7

Requested by liseann21

Y/N is female and short, in the range of 149.8 cm - 160 cm (4' 11" - 5' 3")

Y/N = Your Name
F/B = Favourite beverage (can be alcoholic or not)

Both Canada and Russia are boys. (And Canada is dating Ukraine, Russia's little brother.)

3rd pov
Y/N, Russia, and Canada were walking in the park, talking to each other. Canada was like the only person, except Russia's family, who know of Russia serious crush on Y/N. Y/N came up with an idea.

"Hey Rus, can we go to a bar?" Y/N asked.

Russia blushed a little from the nickname, "Sure, Canada can come too if he wants."

Canada nodded, "I'd like to come, I'll call Ukraine to see if he wants to come along."

Canada grabbed his phone and called Ukraine.

Russia nodded, "We'll meet you there."

Russia and Y/N started to walk over to the local bar.

When they both got there, Russia sat on a bar stool next to Y/N. She smiled at Russia, which made his heart flutter. Russia smiled back. The bar tender came over to them.

"Hello. What can I get you two lovebirds today?" The bartender said.

Russia looked at Y/N, she spoke to the bartender, "Can I get F/B?"

The bartender responded, "Of course, and for you?" He looked at Russia.

"Can I get some vodka, please?" Russia asked.

The bartender nodded, "Of course. I'll get those for you two."

The bartender left to get the drinks, and Canada and Ukraine walked into the bar.

"Hello Russia, hello Y/N." Ukraine said.

"Hello Ukraine." Y/N smiled.

Time skip, maybe a couple hours later.

Russia and Y/N were drunk (or Y/N is tired but still staying with drunken Russia). Russia and Y/N were laughing at stupid things. Then Russia grabbed Y/N's chin and leaned closer to her face.

"I love you... so much, Y/N... may I kiss your lips...?" His tone was soft and slurred, like he meant every word he said.

Y/N nodded.

Russia then leaned in more, gently pressing his lips against hers. Both of them blushed.

Ukraine then pulled Russia away from Y/N.

"Okay, Russia, time to go home." Ukraine said.

"Aw..." Russia said.

Canada took Y/N home while Ukraine took Russia home.

In the morning, Russia came over to Y/N's home, holding a bottle of maple vodka, made from both Russia and Canada. Y/N opened the door and smiled at Russia.

"Hello, Y/N. I wanted to apologize for kissing you last night..."

Y/N shook her head, "No, don't apologize, I loved it..."

Russia was shocked, "Really?"

Y/N nodded, "Я тоже тебя люблю."

Russia blushed and smiled, "Я тебя люблю."

They hugged each other and went inside of Y/N's home. They both cuddled together and watched tv. It was like they were dating already... or maybe this is their first date?

Translation: Я тоже тебя люблю. = I love you too.
Я тебя люблю. = I love you.

(Should I do a part two on this?)

(Word count: 523)

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