Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Cody

I stood there, jaw dropped. Seconds passed. One. Two. Three.

I got to my senses and ran towards them. I pulled Ceara out of Cody's grasp and proceeded to grab my twat of a brother by his shaggy, black hair. Panting with anger and confusion, I slammed his head against the locker.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked with my nostrils flaring up.

Cody lolled his head in a daze, and while trying to sort his thoughts, I scolded Ceara.

"You! What were you thinking?! I thought you didn't take him seriously?!"

Ceara wiped her peach colored lips with her jacket.

"I don't." she smiled coyly.

Whilst I argued with Ceara about the stupidity of her little stunt, Cody sprung to life and escaped from my grasp. He ran to the exit, leaving Ceara and I behind.

I looked back at Ceara, who was holding her hands up in arrest. Her lips puckered to the side, like she wasn't sure if she was guilty or not. I sighed in exasperation.

"Alright."  I said in a calmer tone. "What was that about?"

"Well..." She fidgeted with her fingers and started to blush.

"First off, it wasn't anything serious."

I looked at her like I was the bad cop.

"Go on."

"He promised to tell me something if I did him a little favor." she giggled.

I raised my eyebrow at her.

"And that 'something' is?"  

"Something you're not particularly interested in." she said in a smug tone.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, putting my hand under my chin.

"I wonder what Jake would say about this..."

At that statement, Ceara dropped her playful mood and got all anxious.

"Crap. Kris, please don't tell him!"

"I don't know... I  mean, it's not everyday you get to bust your bestfriend for kissing your younger brother..."

Ceara whimpered and finally broke.

"OK, I'll tell you. It's about my cousin..." she said like it was something very serious.

I crossed my arms over my chest.

"That's it?"

Ceara bit her lip.

"What about your cousin?" I asked, showing mild interest.

"I would've known if you didn't attack Cody!" she cried in defense.

"Well how was I supposed to know the reason for your lip-rubbing?"

Ceara groaned and grabbed the sides of her head.

"Listen, I wouldn't do something as risky as that if it wasn't for something important!"

I paused and plastered a grin on my face. She had a point.

"I'll talk to Cody later. In the mean time, you can worry about what you'll tell your boyfriend." I said tauntingly.

"Screw you, Krissy." she growled.


The school bell rang. Lunch was over. There was an eerie moment of silence after the bell rang, and afterwards, a stampede of highschool students ran through the entrance. Everyone was rushing about, except for one particular student. That's... strange. I've never seen him before. Is he new?

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