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After recuperating after the quiz show, Ben and Frisk go over to talk to Alphys.

Alphys: "H-He was not supposed to s-say that last one."

Ben: "Yeah, well, he doesn't seem to be following your orders. So I seriously doubt he'll follow any of his original instructions."

Alphys: "T-That is t-true." She shakes her head. "A-Anyway, let me g-give you two my p-phone number so we c-can stay in contact."

Ben & Frisk: "Okay."

Both Ben and Frisk pull out their phones, and Alphys just stares at them for a couple of moments.

Alphys: "Who gave you these phones?" She takes the phones from them. "They're absolutely ANCIENT! They don't even have texting."

Frisk: "Yeah, they do seem quite old."

Alphys inspects the two phones for a couple of seconds.

Alphys: "Wait just a moment, please!"

Alphys suddenly runs up the escalator. Various different tools can be heard, including a hammer and a chainsaw. For some reason, the sound of a cat could also be heard.

Chara: "What the heck is she doing up there?"

Before Ben or Frisk could say anything, Alphys comes back down the escalator and hands their phones back to them.

Alphys: "Here, I upgraded them for you!"

Frisk: "Really? That fast?" She inspects her phone. "Nice key chain. Not sure what I'll use it for any time soon."

Alphys: "It can also do texting and store items."

Ben: "So these phones are little pocket dimensions that we can carry around. Cool!"

Alphys: "And I even signed you both up for the Underground's No. 1 social network!" She smiles. "Now we're officially friends! Ehehehe!"

Frisk: "Wow! That's really cool! Thank you!"

Ben: "Yeah. Same here."

Alphys: "You're welcome. I-It's no problem." She stands there awkwardly for a couple of moments, nervously sweating. "I gotta go to the bathroom."

Alphys quickly walks back into the room she was in before, where she can be heard tapping around.

Frisk: "So, we start heading forward again?"

Ben: "Actually, I think we should head back to Snowdin to get some more Cinnamon Buns."

Frisk: "Oh yeah. That is true." She opens up her inventory. "We each only have the Pie, if I don't include the Snowman Piece."

Chara: "But before we do that, let's go upstairs and see what's going on up there."

Ben: "Sure, why not?" He shrugs before going up the escalator. "It could be interesting up there."

Frisk follows Ben and Chara up the escalator to the area upstairs.

Ben: "Five full bookshelves." He looks over at the one further on the right. "Lot of science books. They seem very dusty. Like they haven't been touched in a while."

Chara: "Seems a bit odd, for a scientist."

Frisk goes over to the one next to it, with all the books labeled "Human History". She grabs one of the books and opens it.

Frisk: "I think I found out why Undyne misunderstood what our history was."

Ben: "You mean when Undyne mentioned the giant robots and flowery swordswoman?"

The Alien Hero of the Underground (Ben 10 X Undertale)Where stories live. Discover now