🦋. 𝑩𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒚 ❀

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"Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke."

A/n Pov :

Both jk and the girl were having their intimate session when Yn busted out in the washroom making them startle.

Watching the while scenario in front of her she was hurt. She don't know the reason but she was hurt seeing him kissing any other girl infact making out with her in washroom.

She can't control herself and a sob left from her mouth making them look at her in shock.

The girl jumped out from the basin and stood up straight fixing her hairs and dress. Meanwhile jk backed off from her maintaining a distance.

To be true they both weren't embarrassed a bit.

Girl - " Bye JK see you tomorrow... "
The girl waved at him looking at him seductively biting her lips.

JK - " Aish ! I thought we could take it more.... maybe on bed. "
He said looking at her while licking his lips.

Girl - " Keep your horny dick inside your pants JK... Maybe tomorrow we can make it. "

The girl said chuckling and exited the room.

JK looked back at her disappearing figure .

JK - " Sure.... Slut. "
He scoffed.

Meanwhile yn was watching their dirty intentions which they were showing through their eyes.

She tried to ignore him and walk out from there but guess what he wasn't in mood to leave her .... As he had decided already to bully her.

She was about to go when he pulled her wrist back and pinned her to the walls harshly. She gasped at his sudden action.

Yn - " What are you doing ? "

He didn't said anything and just stared in her eyes. He can see that she was hurt by his behavior. Tears were already welled up in her eyes ready to fall anytime.

At that moment he got a sudden urge to wipe that tears but his ego and pride were best of.

He ignored that feeling and sneaked his one hand around her waist squeezing it lightly.

Yn - " Jungkook what are you doing ? Leave me.. "

She said while struggling to get off from his grip but he was strong enough to let her go.

He came more closer towards her facing her very intimately. He can hear her soft breathing.

JK - " Didn't I told you yesterday something ? ....its just a reminder that your countdown starts from today. "

He said while smirking while you gave him a disbelief look.

Yn - " Will you get satisfied with it ? "

JK - " As long as you are getting hurt... I will.. "

Yn - " Really then hurt me.. "

She was speechless after hearing his confession. He really hates her so much.

Without saying anything he pressed his body on hers. While she gasped.
His hot breath was fanning on her lips making both of them hard to control.

  ꧁♥𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝒉𝑦 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑚𝑦♥꧂....jjk🔞Where stories live. Discover now