🦋.𝑯𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆 ♥ 2

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"Darling you cannot be unloved by me ever, Because you are too well tangled to my soul

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"Darling you cannot be unloved by me ever,
Because you are too well tangled to my soul. "

Yn pov :

" I was talking with sa ra's friends as one of them asked for a night stand but I cut him off by taking sa ra 's name. But it was true though.

" Come on I am not cheon sa ra. I am committed to my man. "
I said making sa ra mad at me. I can see how she was fumming in anger as if she will kill me anytime.

" Watch your mouth yn. "
She said glaring at me.

" Oh did I said anything wrong? "
I asked showing her my fake pout.

" Btw who is your boyfriend? We want to meet the guy for whom you are head over heels. "
Her friend asked.

" Oh what do I do? He is not here yet?....but I can meet you all with my best friend.... Wanna meet up? "
I said making their head nod.

" Yeah sure... We would love too. "
He said. And I noticed sa ra scrunching her eyebrows in confusion.

" Wait! I will bring him. "
I said and went to take my boyfriend to meet them up as my best friend.... But only for tonight.

I dragged jungkook with me and stood among them making them widened their eyes in amused.

" Jungkook is your best friend? "
One of her best friend asked.

" Oh yeah! Sa ra 'a finance is my best friend right kook? "
I said looking at him but he was looking at me with confused face with his big doe eyes.

" Y - Yeah.. I am her friend. "
Jungkook said stuttering.

Tangling my hands around his arms I stood straight with a proud smile on my face making sa ra jealous on me.

" We met jungkook a while ago. Sa ra catched him up with us. "
Her friend said.

" Well I guess she didn't introduced him to you all properly. "
I said.

" Properly? Is there anything more about him? "
Her friends asked.

" There is nothing more than that... And Yn what are you doing with my fiance?....tanglings arms and all.... Don't you know you should be in your limits... He is going to be married soon. "
Sa ra busted out on me.

" Tch! Sa ra... I thought having overseas friends, living a modern lifestyle, as a free minded person you won't think about these things now.... But I guess you are just like that old granny things. Like don't touch my husband... Stay away from him.... He was your friend now he is my fiance and all. "
I said mimicking her as her friends laugh loudly making fun of her.

" Sa ra! You are really being over dramatic now. Gosh! You are so funny."
Her friend said laughing at her.

Sa ra clenched her hands in fist showing her immense anger on me. But she would also taste her own medicine. How dare she to insult him? But guess what it was just beginning.... She has more way to go down in embarrassment.

  ꧁♥𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝒉𝑦 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑚𝑦♥꧂....jjk🔞Where stories live. Discover now