The weekend was uneventful Brook had stuff to do and I study and mostly clean the apartment when something is bugging me I clean. I've been ignoring Harry all weekend to be honest I gave up trying to talk to him or even associate with him.

I called my dad to talk about Harry all he said that Harry was the best at his job and he was the only one who passed the requirements. He's not there to be your friend Kelsey he's there to keep you safe.. My dad told me, But that doesn't mean that he has to be a rude asshole I thought

And then After I hang up with my father I called Lydia.. First she asked me about school I told her it was great and I made a friend..

That's good to hear sweetie now tell me about your bodyguard so I told her everything well not everything

Sweetheart just give it more time I'm sure everything will work out maybe you could try to talk to him again and try to get to know him... I looked at the bruise on my wrist and sighed... I told her that I would but I have to think about it

I pushed my glasses up and fix my messy bun and I went back to reading my book. A knock at my door made me get up and open it.. Harry was standing there quickly looking at me up and down I was wearing comfortable shorts and a oversized sweatshirt I was about to go to sleep

Yes? I asked him with an eyebrow arch he looked at my eyes and cleared his throat

I made some dinner if you want any he said , He's being nice? Why? I gave him a peculiar look biting my lip

No thank's I already ate but thanks anyway's I said I was going to shut my door but Harry stopped it with his hand.

What the fuck!! I so nicely made you dinner he yelled right in my face his gaze were cold and angry .. I took a calm breath and replied

Harry I'm tired if you could leave my room.. I turned around to walk back to my bed

"Disrespectful little brat" he muttered under his breath, but I caught it.

My hands clench into fists at my side. The audacity of him! My earlier resolve to just ignore him was expelled from my mind entirely. I turned to him with fire in my eyes.

"Disrespectful"? You're one to talk, Harry! Are you serious!? You been nothing but rude to me since we met . I said angrily, He turned his back on me

Abusive bipolar asshole!! I yelled He turned around sharply he stocked towards me I stumbled back with every step he took until my back hit the wall. Harry closed the gap between us. His face was only inches away from mine.

He grabbed both of my wrist herd I hissed... he leaning in even closer. What did you fucking say? he growled

Harry you're hurting me!!! I cried out with tears in my eyes all of the sudden he let me go he looked at my ugly, bruised wrists. And he looked at me and just left my room.


                          ~ Harry ~

I rushed into my room slamming the door behind me. Just pacing back and forth, hands sliding through my hair

Fuck!! What in the bloody hell is wrong with me!? Why the fuck would I hurt her!! I saw the fucking bruises on her wrist.. I did that
I punch my punching bag

I made her cry and I treated her like shit I mean I am treating her like shit.. She just has this way of pushing my bloody buttons but that doesn't make it right to ever touch her in a harmful way.

And the fact that she was trying to get to know me on a personal level, Maybe I could let her ,No, I signed a contract to be strictly professional  with her. That means no getting personal with her under any circumstances, but that doesn't mean that I have to be a dick to her.

 That means no getting personal with her under any circumstances, but that doesn't mean that I have to be a dick to her

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