I got up really early took a shower and do my morning routine and get ready I was all done by 6:00 and my first class didn't start until 8:00 I had two hours

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I got up really early took a shower and do my morning routine and get ready I was all done by 6:00 and my first class didn't start until 8:00 I had two hours.. I got up and open my door quickly for any sign of Harry I just didn't want to see him. I making my way towards the kitchen. I stopped to the sight of Harry standing in front of the stove shirtless a pan in his right hand as he flipped the bacon.

I was just going to go back to my room but then he turned around as if he knew I was right there. My eyes scanning down his tattoo scattered bare chest. I bit my lip , I wanted to trace his tattoos and ki - I herd him clearing his throat bringing me back to reality immediately snapping my eyes up to his with my cheeks on fire in embarrassment.

"You're up early" he said and added Let me put on a shirt he left before quickly returning.

I hope you're hungry he said and set two plates of food down with eggs and bacon he sat down I stood there unsure he looked up at me expectedly and nodded to the chair. I hesitantly took the seat I just stared at the food.

You can eat I didn't poison it he said with a hint of a chuckle I looked up at him that's the first time I've ever heard him laugh I smiled softly and beginnings to eat the eggs.

Thank you for making me breakfast Harry I spoke he looked at me

You're welcome he said , I smiled softly still eating,

Kelsey, he trailed off looking down at my wrists guiltily, He picked one of them up. I had covered the bruises up with make up he sighed sadly and looked into my eyes

I wanted to apologize for this I had know right to hurt you like that and I'm sorry and for being such a rude asshole , He said with a soft tone he let my wrist go

It took me a few minutes to speak, Thank you  for saying that Harry he looked at me and I accept your apology, He smiled with his dimples showing, he has a really really nice smile this is the first time I ever saw him smile I like it..

As I continued eating, I wondered if I should ask him questions about himself? I decided I was

Um.. Have you always lived in London? I asked him eating some
bacon looking at him

Harry suddenly stiffened and then relaxed he ate his food and then he nodded to my question

Where in London did you live? I asked taking a drink of my tea

Holmes Chapel, He replied simply eating I nodded softly

I bet it was beautiful there I said and added you know I always wanted to go there, I applied to colleges in London but I never herd back from any of them, I thought

Do you miss home? I ask him finishing up eating I saw him gripped his fork tightly he didn't answer me he just ate ... ok I thought

Um.. Do you have any siblings again no answer, Maybe family and London is a sore subject I thought

How did you become a bodyguard? I ask placing my hand on top of his he yanked his hand away quickly I wrinkled my eyebrows

What's with the fucking interrogation!!? He shoved away from the table and stood up

I wanted to get to know you that's all, I'm trying to be nice , I was really confused and hurt I added I thought maybe we could be friends

Well you thought wrong ,Princess, He clenched his jaw, he stomping away slamming his door.. I blinked my tears away

I sat threw all of my classes not speaking a word to Harry he would glance at me from time to time, He really hurt my feelings all I was trying to do is to get to know him and I didn't see anything wrong with that I don't understand

We were walking to my last class before lunch when brook ran up to me,

Hi!! , Kelsey she chirped

Hi!!, I piped

Hey!! Harry she said flirty looking back at him he was behind me I rolled my eyes at her

She gave me a flyer it was for a party and a band was playing 5 seconds of summer, I looked at her

You should come and bring your hot bodyguard she said I have to go bye and ran off. I shake my head as I walked in to class

Kelsey!! someone called my name Immediately my eye's look up at the back row and found Ashton looking at me he waved and I waved back I tucked my hair behind my ear and took my seat in the middle. I looked at the flyer again it was on Saturday I smiled when I saw who's in the band Ashton Irwin.

Suddenly it was grabbed out of my hands I looked next to me at Harry, He looked back at me, " Class started so you should be paying attention he told me crumpling up the flyer, I huffed and looked forward I was really irritated

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