An Abrupt Meeting

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"... "
"... "

They silently stared at each other. Bob stared, with that wicked grin on his face, drooling. Streber, quite the opposite of smiling. He was filled with fear for obvious reasons. Last holloween, this man had eaten his arm, and now that same man, was about 5 inches away from his face.

"Wait a second.. where even am I? One second I was at the haunted house, the next I'm in this random room I've never seen in my life with someone who ate my arm.

Hello there. I'm not telling you my name, so call me narrator. I will be watching for uh.. "Investigation reasons" how you two will react by being in the same room for a week.

Bob seemed a bit confused by the voice, but wouldn't stop staring at streber. He sat there and drooled at the sight of him, waiting for the right time to attack.

"What do you mean.. A week..? ILL BE DEAD BY THE END OF THE THIS MINUTE! "

I made sure bob is ridden of weapons so you'll be fine.

After bob hears this, he checks his utility belt, to find nothing. He seemed slightly annoyed by this, but still wanted to make streber uncomfortable, so he got a bit closer. After all, he could just choke him to death. Bob grabbed on to his neck tightly, and soon started to choke him.


Streber gasped for air as Bob dug his nails into his neck, before launching backwards, as if some force had pushed him. Streber fell to the ground.


"You- (gasp) really had to put emphasis on the (gasp) ARMLESS huh?? ALSO I'M CLEARLY (gasp) NOT SAF-"


Bob got up and tried to figure out what had pushed him. The only person there was streber, but he couldn't have had any air going to his head to think, due to him being choked. Plus, he was far to skinny to pull off knocking him to the ground.

Meanwhile, Streber was also sitting, and it looked like bob was trying to figure out something, maybe how to kill him without getting caught? Maybe what to cook him into? Whatever it was, it probably wasn't good considering he had just tried to choke him to death. His smile just didn't sit right with him either. It was unsettling that he had always held that smile around people, and it was just unsettling in general. It was awkward how quiet it is, but thats normal considering the only thing he's ever heard from is a fact about eating a brain before he...

Bob also felt it was quiet, and he still wanted streber to fear him, so he was the first to talk.

"Did y'know.."

"NO THANKS. I'm not interested in one of your dumb devil facts thank you. "

Bob felt insulted.

"Y'know, if I had me a knife r'now, you'd be in mah stomach the moment I saw ye.

"W-what..? "

Strebers eyes widened, before he looked away nervously.

"Y'herd me."

Streber already knew bob wanted to eat him, but it chilled him to his core that if the narrator person wasn't here, he'd be dead.


It was a bit to quiet for strebers liking, and he wanted to know where they would sleep.

"So uh.. Narrator person.. Where do we sleep..?

The room next to the corner you got choked in is your room and-

"Did you really have to remind me?"

Yeah. Anyways- bobs room is on the opposite side.

Streber sighed in relief that he wouldn't be sleeping in the same room as him.

Each room has a private bathroom so do whatever.

Bob, immediately after getting this information, went to his room.

Streber also decided to head to bed. He was tired, and wanted to get his mind off of this situation. He went to his room, took a shower and fell asleep. During the night he could have sworn someone was watching him, but he ignored it.

Streber and Bobs "meetup"Where stories live. Discover now