Chapter Four

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Riku glumly made his way down Mt. Takao for who knew what time. Even the freedom he felt while up in the mountains was beginning to wane. He didn't laugh at any of the jokes the older boys told, didn't make any attempt to converse with them like usual. The beratement he had received from his parents after running away last night still echoed in his mind, drowning out the other boys' casual voices.

"Hey, Riku, what's your problem?" He glanced up to see one of the older boys, Matthew, staring back at him. "Why are you so slow today?"

"It's nothing," Riku muttered. Matthew, was slightly kinder than the rest of the older kids, but he didn't have much time for him either.

"I know why. He's the youngest, remember?" another one of the boys yelled. "I don't know why we hike with babies."

They all laughed while quickening their pace. Riku made no attempt to catch up with them, bowing his head and letting his dark hair obscure his view of the ground. He remembered how he and Tomiju had hiked together, talking and laughing as they made their way up the mountain. And now, they probably never would again.

Once he finally reached the foot of the mountain, he slumped onto the ground. He knew he should probably return home as quickly as possible so his family wouldn't yell at him again, but he couldn't quite bring himself to. He felt the wad of money under his pocket that he had brought this time, wondering if he should return to the mall to buy the necklace for his grandmother. Even if he did, how would he get to Minato City?

He glanced around, observing the gardens surrounding the mountain. He had never tried crossing one of them before. Maybe it would be a nice change of pace. As he approached one of them, though, he realized he needed to pay an admission fee. He wasn't about to waste his savings, so he watched other people enter instead.

He jumped as he caught sight of Tomiju strolling by. Of course, he was once again accompanied by Marika, who was clutching his arm like a lifeline.

Riku groaned, a little too loudly. Marika immediately craned her head to stare right at him. A chill went down his spine at the cold look on her face. He wondered how she could have heard him from so far away.

Thankfully, she didn't focus on him for long. She quickly turned her gaze away to focus on Tomiju instead. Riku knew it wasn't polite, but he couldn't help watching them a little longer. He was slightly curious about what was so great about Marika that Tomiju fell for her so quickly after the loss of his family, including his wife.

He didn't like me until after I returned his wallet that he dropped after bumping into me and we both nearly got killed, Riku thought.

He watched as Tomiju paused right as they were about to enter the garden and glanced down at his wallet. His expression became shocked and dismayed as he let out a groan.

"What is it?" Marika demanded. "Did the admission fee cost too much for you?"

"No, that's not it," Tomiju assured, desperately scanning the ground as if searching for something. Marika stared at him in exasperation.

Riku couldn't make out the exact words, but judging from Tomiju's gestures, he could guess well enough. He had probably lost the picture of his daughter and nephew. Riku had seen it when returning Tomiju's wallet to him, though at the time, he had regrettably been more concerned with the prize money he had been offered.

The longer Tomiju searched, the more frustrated Marika became. She raised her voice to him, yelling at him to cut it out. "Get over it! Stop obsessing over a worthless photograph."

Tomiju raised his head. "It's not worthless," he tried to argue. "It's a picture of my daughter and-"

"But they're gone now, aren't they?" Marika pointed out without any sympathy in her voice.

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