Chapter 4: Spider Family

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Disclaimer: I only own the Idya to my knowledge.

I do not own Marvel and I certainly do not own PJO. I do not own HOH or anything else made by Rick Riordan. I also do not own anything related to Marvel. I don't own any pictures unless explicitly stated I do. Thank you sooooo, much for reading. And hope you are having a good day. Onto the Chaos.

Natasha's pov

After the second titan war and the civil war that took place against team cap and team Stark. I am on the run from Thaddeus Ross, I can’t go back to being Sally just yet it will only put my baby boy in danger. Plus, Percy just finished with a war of his own, so I plan to keep him at camp and away for all this until it is safe for me to return.

An agent working for Ross said. “They're topside, sir.”

“Target 1 has LOS!” another agent exclaims.

Then I tune out the people after me as I call Ross, “Yeah?” he answers in annoyance.

“Don’t do this.” comes my instant expressionless rispons. As I continue to change in the bathroom stall.

Ross responded in barely contained anger probably due to his anger issues, great now I’m thinking like my son now. “Do what?”

“Coming after me. I mean, you're embarrassing yourself. It looks desperate.” You know maybe my baby got his sass from me. Gods I miss him, he’s been missing for what? 6-7, mabe 8 months now? I hope he’s ok, if I could I’d kill Haera for taking him.

The general snapped me out of my thoughts as he talked. “Thought Maybe you’d be calling me to cut a deal.” I internally scoff at that the only thing that would make me want to ‘cut a deal’ is for Percy. And there was no way that he would ever be able to go up against a god or be willing to protect my unknown son.”’Cause from my vintage point, it’s the federal fugitive who’s desperate.” And there's a different quality to the song now letting me know that he put the phone on speaker.

“From my vintage point, you look like you could use some rest. What is this, your second triple bypass?” I retorted while stifling a scoff that almost made its way out of my throat. At least I know that I have more control of my sarcasm and sass than my son… if only a little.

Thaddeus; what a stoopid name, yet again interrupted my thoughts. “I wouldn’t worry about me. We got Barton, we got Wilson and that other guy, the incredible shrinking convict. Rogers is on the run. You got no friends. Where you gonna go?” Honestly, that is a good question. I can't go back to being Sally if I did, I might be putting Percy in more danger then he has to be in. What will I do when we find Percy agen.

But I shake it off and respond, “I’ve lived a lot of lives before I met you, Ross. You shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble. I’m done.” And out of all those lives only one I will never let go of, if I have anything to say about it. At that thought an image of an imaginary family with 2 parents and 2 little girls came to mind. No, I shake my head, I let go of that life so long ago and I definitely don’t regret it.

“Romanoff?” General Ross questend. I hung up and grinned at the chaos I had caused while escaping.

*~*~*~*~*~* Time skip and Place change brought to you by a frustrated military*~*~*~*~*~*

I sighed as I walked into my new living space, it was no place that I would except if Percy was with me but sins I’m alone it will do. “Etter Sokovia-avtalen er jakten på de gjenværende Avengers ... Steve Rogers og Natasha Romanoff er for tiden på flukt.”(translation: After the Sokovia Accords, the hunt is on for the remaining Avengers… Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff are currently on the run.) A Nordic reporter said from the TV. I can hear snoring from inside and under the sound of the reporter. I found the culprit…. Sleeping on my bed. 

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