They were definitely just looking for enemy agents

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This is based off that one sentence in SSGN where it says that Erica would watch the seals play in the evenings, but I like to think that the unspoken meaning behind that was that Ben joined her

"Awwwww, look at the baby seal," Erica turned to gaze up at him. They were standing out on the dock watching the baby animals through binoculars. It had become a way for them to spend time together without it being too obvious to the others.

"Awwww," Ben turned to meet her eyes. Erica casually placed her binoculars down, and Ben did the same.

"You know," she began softly, "I really am glad we started coming here." Erica hesitantly took a step closer to him, her arms wrapping around his waist in a warm hug. Ben felt a wave of happiness spread through his chest at the contact. He placed his arms around her shoulders, squeezing gently. 

Hugging her never got old, the feeling of her body pressed into him, her hair lightly tickling his cheek. Along with the lilacs and  gun powder that always surrounded her, he could smell the salty air and a woodsy scent that one could only get after spending weeks surrounded by forest.  

Erica eventually removed her face from his neck and looked up at him, not stepping away. Her eyes searched his face, seeking something he couldn't quite name. 

Ben smiled down at her, feeling a warmth spread through his chest and gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes searched his face for a moment more, before she leaned up and pressed her lips on his in a soft kiss. His heart leaped at the contact and he reached a hand out, supporting her neck, he could feel the tension in her body begin to melt away as she leaned into him, her fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt. It was a tentative gesture, yet confident in a perfectly Erica fashion. The kiss was gentle, yet he tried to convey emotions into it that he wasn't able to say. 

When their lips parted, he looked down into her eyes, and she gazed back up at him, her cheeks flushed and her lips parted. Erica slowly reburied her head into his chest, turning it to the side, so she could watch the seals, the adorable pups playing and splashing in the water. She could feel his heart racing under her ear, matching the rhythm of her own. They stood there for a long while, content to just be together. The sun dipped lower in the sky, painting the horizon in hues of orange and pink. Eventually Erica pulled away, "We should go back, there going to notice we're missing." 

Ben answered, feeling a little dazed, "I... Yeah, you're right." They walked back hand and hand, and right then everything felt right in the world, even if it was just until Cyrus woke them up at 5:00 am the next morning, with an air horn.

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