The Roomie

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Once again, extreme curiosity is showing on his face. I bit on my lip as I begun explaining.

"You know I'm a klutz right?"

He nodded his head excessively to show how much he agrees. I scoffed at his indirect teasing but continued none theless.

"It was back when I was still new at my first job. I was actually working as the secretary of Kim&Kim's Accounting firm's Chief Internal Auditor, Kim Yerim-nim or as she prefers to be called, Yeri."

It hasn't even been a month since I got a call from the Accounting firm that I applied for informing me about the schedule for my contract signing. It feels good to be working under a company that is under the field of what I dreamed of being a part of. Though it might be under different circumstances, I'm already contented that at least I'm near that line of work.

I'm currently organizing the files for Yeri's latest project when I heard the buzz signaling that my boss is looking for me. I quickly left my desk and went inside her office knowing how Rose hates having to wait.

I bowed as a greeting. "Annyeonghase-yo Yeri-ssi."

"Oh! Joohyun-ssi! That was fast." She giggled.

Though she's a very successful and strict Auditor, she's very different when she's not working. On my first day of work, we met at the company she was assigned to and was to do field work. As I watched her doing her thing, her face stayed expressionless and calm. Her tone was even very authoritative and sometimes demeaning. At first that made me feel very intimidated and afraid but I got the shock of my life when this 'little terror' as she was dubbed by her subordinates and colleagues suddenly showed her aegyo the first time that we were left alone. That's when I got to know that my boss was a very childish and cutesy person when not working. She never even fails to wink at me when she greets me just to annoy me because she's bored.

"Don't want you to get all whiny because I made you wait for 3 minutes like last time. I think my ears haven't recovered from your excessive high-pitched squealing. And it's been 2 days already." I acted like I was clearing my ears to prove a point.

She just laughed it off and I joined her after. We're this comfortable with each other that I get to tease her like this without the fear of being fired or scolded. Well I'm just afraid that she'll start using excessive aegyo again.

"So how can I assist my giggling boss?" I asked playfully as she giggled even more. "You did not just call me because you're bored did you? I swear I'm going to glare at you so hard if you did."

Yes. I did threaten her using my glare. She just hates it so much that she cowers when I do it. Lucky me to have something to stop this little trouble maker from bullying me each time she has the chance.

"You won't dare!" She challenged.

"Oh yes I dare Kim Yerim-ssi." I proclaimed.

Where else would you see a secretary threatening her boss like this? That's just me, Bae Joohyun. I'm one of a kind.

"Fine!" she pouted. "Good thing I actually have something to say as a back-up."

"What is it? Is it something about the report that I passed earlier?" I inquired nervously.

"Nope." She shook her head cutely. "I just wanted to warn you that someone will be coming into the office later, maybe after lunch. She might just barge in without even acknowledging you so don't even try to stop her if she comes in my office."

I nodded noting what she said in my head.

"And just in case she does notice you, please do keep your cool and patience as best as you can." She advised. Unconsciously, I tilted my head in confusion urging her to explain further. "Well, she can be very blunt and sharp-tongued. Not to mention very hot-headed. She's hell on earth when she's not pissed, all the more when she is. So please be careful around her."

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