Little Jimin

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I closed my eyes and started reminiscing.

I've been volunteering here at Angel's Hope Orphanage for 6 months already. Every morning, before I go to work I would pass by the Orphanage first to help with breakfast. Then right after I get off of work, I would also visit to help with dinner and also spend time with the kids. Most of them are just about 3 years old up to the age of 13. The little ones I play with and also read stories to, while the older ones I help with their home works and ask them about how they're doing or if they're having any problems. I make sure to talk to them since it is after all the age where we build our characters and just having someone listening will help a lot in sorting out what they want and what they feel. It relieves me off of anything I'm feeling or thinking knowing that I'm there for them, that I'm helping in putting smiles on their faces, and mostly, that I'm part of their lives.

I've kept this routine for the longest time and there are times that I even bring Jennie along but since she's busy, she rarely tags along and some of the kids even get a breather if she's not around since she's a little scary when she's the one teaching them. They do adore her though. Even I got the shock of my life when I found out that she's actually good with children. Who would've known that the ICE PRINCESS is a WARM PRINCESS around kids?

One day though, as I was heading over for my morning visit, I heard a cry coming from behind the electricity pole by the orphanage. Carefully, I looked for the crying sound and there I found a box with a baby wrapped carelessly with a thin sky blue blanket like some abandoned puppy.

Just looking at the basket I can already judge that whoever was responsible for leaving this little angel out in this chilly day only with thin clothing and without even completely covering the baby is an irresponsible person. How could you even live your life doing something like this to someone that has your own blood, someone that you brought into this world?! If you're cruel enough to leave this wonderful gift from above, at least do it decently and properly!

My heart broke hearing the wailing baby and seeing how red the baby's face is from all the crying and also the cold, I panicked. I didn't know what to do. Should I carry the box or the baby or call for help first? I'm actually very afraid. I'm afraid that I might just harm the baby instead of helping it.

"Eottokhae?" I mumbled while biting my thumb in frustration.

The wind was becoming harsher and the baby is crying harder. It must be freezing. How long has it been out here? I need to do something and fast!

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "For the baby! Do this for the poor baby. You can do this Bae Johyun!"

Opening my eyes, I gathered the small bundle of life into my trembling arms carefully and tucked her into my embrace in the hopes of passing some of my body heat to her. The baby is still crying and I can feel how cold her body is.

I wanted to dash inside the warm orphanage but I'm frightened that I might break the little being in my arms if I did so. Using the advantage of my long legs, I took long strides to get inside as quick as possible without hurting the baby that I'm holding.

The moment I got inside, the sisters taking care of the orphanage scurried over to me and started asking what happened. I'm not sure how or when it started but I was sobbing really hard that the sisters weren't able to understand a word I said and urged me to calm down and tell them what happened.

"Crying... Post... Blue... Baby... Alone... Cold..."

Those were the only words that came out of my mouth as I was still crying along with the baby. Lucky enough, they were able to comprehend what I was trying to say and they dispersed inside the building. Some of them were getting clothes and a blanket, while others were preparing a place for the baby to rest and be warm, and the others went to the kitchen to get the baby warm milk to fill her stomach.

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