// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕤𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕪-𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 //

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hiraeth - part sixty-eight


       Y/n's eyes stared up into the darkened sky with horror as she tried to slip past the two entities floating just above the ruined city. It seemed Black already knew what her plan was, and was trying to cut her off before she could get to the humans. At least they were looking for her, and not the humans.

Y/n quietly tip-toed through the old ruins, hiding behind and under old buildings as Black flew over her, scanning the city for her energy signature. He knew Y/n was here, he could just barely detect some of her hidden energy, but it was too little to pinpoint her exact whereabouts. Not to mention, underneath all of the human energies in this city, he could barely feel her. It was only thanks to their connection that he knew she was somewhere nearby.

Y/n waited and watched as Black flew away, searching another area. She smirked, turning to run away, when she rammed herself right into something, or someone. Gritting her teeth, she looked up to identify the person, her eyes widening as she met a pair of cool, grey eyes.

"Why do you run from Black?" Zamasu questioned, eyeing her up and down. He simply couldn't see the appeal, or understand why Black took such a liking to her.

"Because he's an awful person," Y/n said, glaring at Zamasu. "Why do you work alongside him? All he cares about is fighting and killing. Aren't you even at least a little bit more sensible?"

"Perhaps a little," Zamasu spoke. He had no doubts that Black was straying from their original plan, to become gods in a mortal-less universe. But as of late, he had only cared about hunting down mortals for sport, and fighting the Saiyans. He hardly spoke of the zero mortal plan anymore. "But regardless of my opinion, Black is my counterpart. I'd suggest you listen to him, lest you want to get punished."

"Whatever. Get out of my way. I need to do this," Y/n demanded, shoving Zamasu as she walked past him. Zamasu scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"I warned you," He said, his words falling on deaf ears. Y/n whipped back to him in annoyance, about to mouth him off, when her eyes widened.

Black stood at Zamasu's side, glaring down at her with a blank look in his eyes. He took a step forward, Y/n staring in fear as she took a step back. She couldn't fight him. She needed to find a way to get around him, without fighting him. But it didn't really seem like there was much of an option, especially when his glare grew harsh.

"I really don't understand you mortals," Black spoke as he stepped forward once more, Y/n putting more space between the two as he stalked towards her. "I gave you an easy, peaceful way out of this. I was going to allow the rest of these creatures to escape to another timeline, and yet, you've ruined that for them. I wonder how they would feel about that?"

"I'm not going to stay here with someone like you," Y/n said, glaring at him as she raised her fists, preparing herself for a fight. She just needed to slip past him, distract him.

"Then I suppose you'll be willing to fight us, yes? That's your only other option," Black said. As he took another step forward, Y/n stepped back, her back hitting a wall. She was cornered, and Black was taking full advantage of it. He smiled down at her, watching her every movement closely. "So? What will it be? Will you sacrifice yourself, or will you throw away the lives of the remaining humans on this planet?"

"Neither," Y/n spoke, gritting her teeth, Black's eyes widening. "I'm not going to die, and I won't let anyone else die either!"

Her aura suddenly exploded, hair flashing bright green as she slammed her foot into the concrete ground. The force shattered the ground, the old, crumbling walls falling around them. Black tried to dodge the falling debris, letting out a startled gasp as Y/n swept his feet out from under him, grabbing him by the ankles as he toppled over.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now