Chapter 6: Crashing on a Dream

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Song Credits: Blanke & Casey Cook - Crashing Hard [Monstercat Release]

Italic - Texting //// Bold - Phone Call //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory



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Finally it was nighttime, and thankfully we were inside by the time that the sun went down, as I hate being in the darkness for too long.

I was still wearing the necklace that my roommate had gotten me today, and I had waken up at some point, after Sama set me on the couch, blanked wrapped up my body.

It was dark in the living room, the only light coming from her bedroom upstairs. I yawn, and decided to go back to sleep, hoping for it to be a dreamless night, but unfortunately I can't choose if I can dream or not.


I jolt awake, terrified out of my mind. Then the flash of my nightmare resurfaces in my head, along with my hysterical crying.

I stumble my way upstairs to the bedroom, and creak the door open, trying my best not to cry very loudly. But it seems to have caught my roommate's attention.

Sama's eyes catch mine. She gets up and walks over to where I was. 

"Are okay little songbird? You look terrified out of your mind." The look she gave me meant that she was worried for me.

I nod shakily. I was still crying too. "I... I had a horrible nightmare, can I stay here for the night? If not I'll go back to the couch..."

She softens at my distress. "Of course you can stay here. I'll just be reading my book in bed. Come on, I don't bite."

I take her hand, feeling embarrassed that she saw and witnessed one of my many panic attacks. But her eyes don't hold judgement, they held comfort.

Sama leads me to the bed, and lets me sit by her. I get the blankets over my body, snuggling into the pillows. Sama watches with a smile as I get comfy by her.

I turn around to avoid even more embarrassment. I squeak when she grabs me up, setting me in her lap. I look up, making awkward eye contact with the witch.


(Sama's POV)

I chuckle when my darling gets embarrassed sitting in my lap. She averts her eyes, trying not to turn even more red, which was a nice color for her, as it matches my eyes.

Earlier she had come into my room, crying and absolutely looked traumatized, which she explained having a nightmare.

'I wonder who'd given her bad nightmares? She never acted that scared before. I just hope that she gets over it soon, she needs it...'

  I hear snoring, and I look down at the sleeping human in my lap. She was small compared to me, a hand clutching onto my dress, like she wouldn't let go.

My red lips smile, seeing her look at peace, like she hadn't just experienced a bad dream earlier. I sigh out sadly, carefully running my hands through her hair.

"You poor dear, you really do need more comfort than I thought. Sleep tight, my little songbird, you need it..."

Skyelle mumbles in her sleep, curling up more in my lap, and I swore that my heart just swelled up even more in adoration at the human.

I hug her close, sighing out at her familiar smell in my nose.


(Translation: Good night darling.)


I yawn, seeing daylight outside the window. I hear light snoring, and I turn my head around some, seeing a sight that was amusing.

Sama was sleeping, her hat covering her face. She was absolutely beautiful asleep, and the snoring was coming from her being.

'Poor Sama. She looks tired out, maybe it's best to let her sleep, after all she did comfort me last night. It's the least that I could do...'

I carefully get up, stretching my tired limbs out. I crack my back, my sleep shirt slipping up some, and I hear a  chuckle coming from her.

"Wow, you look like you slept well, also your shirt is up some darling."

I turn red again, and brush it down, turning slowly to see a sight that might've just stopped my heartbeat right there.

I turn red again, and brush it down, turning slowly to see a sight that might've just stopped my heartbeat right there

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Sama looked... Different without her hat on. It may also have been me, but I felt like I was special to see her without having her signature hat on.

I then turn to look away from the sight to give her privacy, but then I hear her say to me.

"Don't worry, I'm not uncomfortable in front of you, but I bet it's a rare sight for me to not have my hat on for you. But... I feel do comfortable around you, even if it's only been a little time. But I guess we've both been lonely, huh?"

I nod, still flushed. I feel her arms wrap around my waist, making me smushed against her taller form. I then sigh out when she runs her nails through my hair, my body soon relaxing against hers'.

I then think to myself, 'Man, am I lonely. I really am craving touch after so long. But I'm not against this, especially when she had proven herself trustworthy to me. Even going far enough to comfort me after a bad dream...'

Then I remember something. What'll happen to Sama when I go back home? Will she be able to go with me? Or will the witch have to stay behind?

I didn't want to think about it. All that was important right now was that we were having a hugging moment. And I may've didn't want it to stop.

Unfortunately Sama stops hugging me, her red eyes examine my face. She sighs, and that catches my attention.

"What is it, Sama?" She looks down at me.

"You fill me with an unknown feeling. And for being a human, one so peculiar and that acts like me in a way, you make me actually happy to be within your presence..."

Was she saying that she actually likes being with me? I know that deep down, that I feel the same way. I wouldn't be here without my new Witchy friend, and maybe it wasn't bad.

Especially when she cares about my well-being, and let me sleep in her bed last night, along with keeping an eye on me while I slept.

Maybe, just maybe, Sama was starting to grow fond of me, but I can say the same...

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