˚ · 𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 𝒕𝒘𝒐

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The by-side pool date came to an end swiftly as everyone got a slight idea of each other. But the time given was short and insatisfying so the contestants decided to sit by the bonfire after their usual night routines.

Harin kept shipping as everyone else was talking. Minhyuk decided to spoke up and told her it's funny.

"Don't have a man so decided to become a hypewoman," Harin shyly confessed. Jaehyun who had been noticing the girl for a while the asked her to talk to someone.

Daewon, Jaehyun's forever best friend saw the tension between the two and suggested them to talk to each other instead of exploring the other people.

It was as if Jaehyun's forever wish came true and he shoved everyone away to get some private moment with Harin.

"What do you like doing?" She asked, softly, taking a sip of her drink. Jaehyun was maintaing the eye contact all this while and answered, "working out and cooking. What about you though?"

"Cooking as well, let's cook together sometime," She suggested cutely. Jaehyun seemed to blush at the statement. Sanghoon who was observing the two from a distance decided to break the growing chemistry and jumped in.

"If you both are done then I gotta talk to Harin, sorry stealing your girl Jae," he bragged as a concluding statement and held the girl's hand to take her to a secluded place.

"Shut up dude," Jaehyun growled out of thr blue and the peaceful moment was ruined. Sanghoon left harin's hand to face the guy and began off, "Look at who is being rude now."

"Just reciprocating your actions, nothing so new," he joked but it didn't go as well with Sanghoon.

"I apologised too for that but if you're still up for this bullshit, then sure," he rolled up his sleeves dramatically and Harin just stood at a corner, timidly watching as the two got ready to fight.

"Am not as violent, so my bad bro," Jaehyun backed off and put his hands in his hoodie and swiftly made his way back to the guy's dorm.

Sanghoon rolled his eyes and moved back to the dorm, their talk was left pending.

"Sanghoon should meet Dalmi in my opinion," Daewon muttered under his breath. Jaehyun who was standing right beside him looked over at him. "She's cute and innocent, the polar opposite of this guy," Daewon continued speaking and Jaehyun put his hand over Daewon's shoulder.

"If you like her that much then you should talk to her dude," Jaehyun practically giggled speaking it. He found Daewon cutely blushing. "I'll I'll, and you should man up too and find a girl yourself," Daewon chuckled as Jaehyun let out a loud sigh. He hadn't been talking to much girls as he was more on the introverted side.

"You know am wondering how you will look in maid outfit," Keiko commented. She was talking or fighting or probably discussing her kinks with Minhyuk in a corner. "You'll actually look better in it than me," Minhyuk replied back. "I'm the master though, you sure?" She asked. "IN what world again?"

"In Keiko's world, whore," She surmised and poured a little bit of her red wine on his white shirt. She moved towards him, trying to close the distance between them, and more like teasing the guy. He pulled her chin up and asked, "Are you sure you can handle me?" The eye contact lasted for about a few seconds before Keiko muttered in a lower, more toned voice, "Yes sir."

"Where were you?" Daewon tried to strike a conversation with Dalmi who had just came back from her room and was chanting some prayers. Once she was done she looked at him and smiled, "Right, Dalmi was organising her wardrobe since you know we just arrived and the girl's dorm is a mess." He chuckled at her statement. "And you?"

"Right, I was just wondering where you were, if you don't mind should we get to know each other more?" He was somewhat fidgeting with his fingers whilst asking that. Dalmi passed him the sweetest smile and nodded, "Sure, I actually wanted to get to know you better too."

"So what are your hobbies?" He blurted, softly, matching her tone. "Oh mine, let me think. Yeah, I like filming, I love being around camera although am a li'l shy. I like working out too and probably dancing and singing as well, seldomly," She cajoled all in one breath but Daewon was all ears the whole time she talked.

Dalmi was looking everywhere as she talked but Daewon's eyes were fixed at hers.

"And what about you?" Daewon's lost in Dalmi's eyes bubble got popped the moment she asked that.

"I'm actually kinda into photography and also painting, am an actor by profession though," he exclaimed. The coversationed seemed to got more and more comfortable as the two of them continued talking.

Dalmi seemed fascinated at the thought of Daewon being an actor, "Actor? That's so cool," you could sense the excitement in her voice as she said that. "I like photography but only clicking my own pictures and painting? I can make a good kid's scenery for sure," She giggled. He did too. "You can be my model and I'll click your pictures, how does that sound?" "Like a good plan, am up," She high fighed the guy. The two seemed to have a good time while they talked.

Dalmi could see Myeong hesitating to approach Daewon. "Ah, I think it's time you all talk, me and Daewon are done for introductions anyway," She acknowledged Myeong's presence and got off the chair, leaving the two alone. Myeong muttered a slight thankyou as Dalmi made her way back to the dorm.

"I hope I did not disturb you," She apologised for cutting off Dalmi and Daewon from before. "Oh no no, not at all," Daewon made a cross sign with his hands and Myeong could make out he really meant it.

"Fine so, let's start with this. If you had to describe yourself in three words then what will they be?"

"I'd say straightforward, passionate and curious. Your turn," it was a great way to begin a conversation.

"Mine would be affectionate, adventurous and also curious," Daewon started building and interest in the conversation.

"Oh, so you are up to try new things?"

"Oh, I'm learning a new language for fun! But that kinda stopped... because I have been binge watching a kdrama recently, what about you?" She sounded like any other kdrama addict, and relatable.

"Oh, i actually like trying out things i've never done before. Been thinking about trying sky diving, seems pretty cool. I like thrilling and risky things too," he professed. Myeong was nodding the whole time, she found the guy interesting and wanted to continue talking to him. You know how they want more and more of anything they like? That was exactly how you could describe Myeong.

"Sky diving?! I used to do that as training , you should definitely do it! Just don't eat before going up in the air though..." She chuckled, but explained it from experience.

"Then you should come with me I guess, better doing it with someone with experience rather alone."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 (dating show // applyfic)Where stories live. Discover now