˚ · 𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒅𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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After Sanghoon left the room, it suddenly became quiet over there. The host, Axel, passed an awkward smile to the contestants, trying to get the mood lightened once again and telling them to focus back on the date discussion. Eventually all the clips from the dates were played, and the rest of the guys continued teasing each other over the little moments.

"Sanghoon and Daewon both did great, honestly," Jaehyun stated casually as the other guys nodded. Daewon frowned at the statement; he was just trying to compliment Sanghoon for his flirting skills earlier, but the latter misinterpreted the whole thing and walked off without trying to listen to the explanations.

"Your date wasn't bad either." Minhyuk trailed off, his gaze fixed on Jaehyun. Jaehyun, on the other hand, forced out an awkward laugh and said, "I don't think it's going to work though." Minhyuk could sense the disappointment when he said so. "What's your type?" "Somebody is the opposite of me; I mean someone extroverted." Minhyuk dwelled on the statement for a good two minutes before he responded, "Yunhwa?" "I'd suggest Keiko, honestly, but it looks like she's taken," Arjun stated, earning a good glare from Minhyuk.

"I don't know, but I've been wanting to say this: I think we shouldn't be too upset if one of us goes on a date with someone another person likes since it's a competition," Daewon mumbled. Everyone nodded at the statement, but again, it was easier said than done. There wasn't a way one wouldn't feel upset seeing their person go ahead with someone else in the game.

"Two days into the show, and I'm already hated by two people here," Daewon cried. Everyone's eyes shot up at him, asking whom? "Dalmi hates me, and I'm pretty sure Sanghoon has something against me too."

There was a small meetup arranged after the dates for the guys and the girls after the dates ended.

Everyone was having a good, gratified conversation when Sanghoon, pissed from earlier, spoke up about how he wants to leave the Isle of Lune. The other guys were surprised at the sudden confession, but he didn't press on further on the issue and left it be.

"Well, I'd like to say something." After a pause when everyone's gazes were fixed on her, she continued, "Myeong's and Daewon's date was really cute." She had a bereaved smile on her face but nevertheless looked at the two and smiled.

"Well, Dalmi is cuter." Harin and Yunhwa spoke in unison to comfort her, and she gave them a smile. The time Daewon noticed her, he got up and approached her, "Uhm, hey Dalmi, I really want to apologize to you if I hurt you in any way; it wasn't my intention and I am not sure what I did wrong but am extremely sorry." His tone was placid and comforting; a genuine apology for liking someone else was funny enough.

Dalmi was sitting in a corner and looking for a guy to approach.

The lines written in brackets indicate individual opinion of the contestants on the said matter.

[ How was your date with Taehyun? ]
[ I didn't feel the spark, he rarely comes out of his shell, that too once a while so I think I'd rather explore. ]

[ How was your date with Dalmi? ]
[ Unrealistic. ]

She could see Arjun sitting alone after Keiko and Minhyuk had left to bicker on their own. She timidly walked up to him and greeted him. They hadn't talked earlier, so this was their first meeting.

"So, Arjun, what does your name mean? It seems pretty interesting, and sounds so Indian you know?"

"Ah yeah, it is. And it means silver white." "Ah that's cool."

"What does yours mean?"

"Hm, Dalmi doesn't really know the meaning of her name."

"If am not wrong, yours mean thunderbolt."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 (dating show // applyfic)Where stories live. Discover now