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Days later lmao

"Yes" "no" yes" "no" RP! Lace was dealing with a moth "You came back with stings after going there, no" "No worry, I can just explain em what I want from them" "and thats...?" "Their fucking Lace is still alive" RP! Lace said to the moth "but, what if-" "You worry too much Bianca" RP! Lace said to the moth, now Bianca "Fine.... I swear if you come back harmed, you aint going again" "Bianca, for 23th time, you worry too much, you sound like my mother" RP! Lace said opening a portal "oh, just a favor, may you feed Sterioner?" "fine...." Rp! Lace smiled, and went through the portal, to end up in the palace again "Mk, I think ive got everything, lifeblood for stings, a recent antenna scale from their Lace, ofc not mine bc me a beetle, and, something to attract Lace to show em, mk" RP! Lace rushed to the palace door and slammed it and full force, just to get received by a mad servant of the palace inside a bag with memo details, just his arm and head out of it "hi, Im looking for Wasp, Stex, Hornet, Haze n Erony" "Go on ok!?" the servant said annoyed, RP! Lace just walked to the living room, to see the ones who looked for, suddenly, she got glares from everyone, surprise, madness, etc "hi" Wasp suddenly lifted his stingers "Not now kid, mehavs news" "...... Fuck you, Im just sparing you because you havent did anything weird" "nice, may I sit?" RP! Lace said pointing to a empty chair, Hornet nodded a bit, just for RP! Lace to sit down "Mk, now, u know your bitchsmeelingstoopidasshole Lace is ded asf?" Everyone nodded, Wasp chuckling a bit of how RP! Lace referred to the Lace of their universe, still, getting in guard in case RP! Lace did something "bad new bitches, she is alive" RP! Lace shrugged "I warned u! " Wasp got up from her chair, preparing her stingers, when "Ivegotproofs" RP! Lace said, Wasp making a frustrated buzz of annoyance "2 proofs, one I have it right here, and the other one Stexerjejdeuenkw and Horneterjdndndke will show" "why you ca-" "because yes, now, first proof" RP! Lace pulled out a recent scale "surely is yo-" Before Haze could finish speaking, Erony grabbed the scale "Is an ant's one, a ant skin is raspy and a bit spiky, while a beetle one is a bit soft and shiny, and knowing this scale is still a bit transparent, is recent, atleast from yesterday" Erony mentioned, Wasp glared at her "Thanks wyrm boi (Erony genderfluid), now, time for second proof, Stexerndndkdkekw and Hornerkdkdkskw, play like if u were a couple" Stex and Hornet looked at eachother, but shrugged, and started telling themselves compliments, but it went to the point that the 2 were cuddling bc the 2 were sitting at a couch together "Stexnet-" suddenly outta nowhere "HORNEY IS MINE!! !" Lace appeared enraged, but RP! Lace made a light ball and Lace got chained up, Wasp hugged RP! Lace without caring, she was scared, jjst as the others "Someone is enraged-" RP! Lace said, making a light dager and shooting it at Lace, killing her "That will keep her dead a few 2 months" RP! Lace shrugged, seeing Wasp on her legs, hugging her ".... A"...


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