one: warm welcome

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One: Warm Welcome

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One: Warm Welcome

The sky was nearly utopian that afternoon. A cerulean blue scene centered around the universe's largest star, not a single cloud in sight. It was categorically perfect for a first day, which is what majority of things had to be at Godolkin University. The school sat on what seemed like a million acres of land, the exterior of the building taking on an uninteresting modern approach while the interior made up for it, although only slightly. There were massive courtyards, decent dorm rooms, and they even had a newly instated Vaught-a-Burger. Similarly, Eden Murdock was bred through perfectionism. It had been inadvertently hammered into her spine as an adolescent, seeming at times the only thing keeping her from collapsing, holding up her skin. Her father, Matthew, was a super as well, gifted with amplified senses following an incident that left him completely blind during childhood. He operated primarily during the night out of their hometown in Manhattan, refusing to go anywhere else with claims that their city was on fire. It was tough on Eden—being the child of a super—everyone had their expectations, and regardless of if they were articulated or not she still felt them. From there, the pressure only grew. You are what you accomplish and how well you accomplish it. Still, Eden had been known to wear it well.

Sort of like the skirt she was wearing, clinging to her hips in all the right places, arms swinging gently in time at her sides as she advanced her way through the bustling quad and towards the Combat Arts stadium, where she was certain to find someone she was friends with. "Eden!" A familiar voice called, that someone she'd been looking for just so happening to come in the form of Emma Meyer, a petite blonde whose powers materialized as size alteration. She and Eden had met roughly two weeks prior, following freshmen orientation. Eden had been on campus to film her piece in the annual welcoming video while Emma had gotten lost looking for the registration office. Despite the girl being a freshman and Eden being a Junior, both girls hit it off relatively well and have even hung out a few times since.

"Oh, hey!" A jovial smile graced the brunette's full lips as she made her way through the stands and towards Emma who was waiting with open arms. Eden readily embraced the shorter supe, eyes falling simultaneously towards the brown-skinned girl seated alongside her whose hair was done in long gorgeous locs, with a couple of the front pieces tied back and out of her face. "I kind of figured you'd be around here somewhere." She teased, knowing how often the blonde came to the stadium, primarily to gawk at the attractive men lifting weights, all sweaty with muscles pumped.

"Babe, I wouldn't miss this." Emma shook her head, dropping her pink purse down into her lap as she returned to her chair. They weren't too far from the field, which was an artificial turf equipped with a state of the art boxing ring, sumo wrestling ring, fencing strip, and martial arts octagon where Eden managed to dedicate a few hours out of her week, sharpening the skills in which Matthew began training her at only age eleven. "By the way, this is Marie. We're roommates as of today. Marie, this is Eden—"

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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