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Jake and Stacy were walking side by side to lunch together. 

"then that bitch actually fell for it!" Stacy laughed at Jake as they sat down.

"no way she actually fell for that!" Jake said not being able to help to giggle himself. That's when he felt a wind next to him, Drew and sat down. Jake got all red for a second then he just shoved some food in his mouth.

Stacy rolled her eyes and started to bicker with drew. 

"drew! Why are you so obsessed with me and jake!" she said

"because Jake could be a snake for all I know!" Drew argued, rolling his eyes.

"Jake can kick your ass! don't act all tough just because you're a year older!"

"Please? that kid wouldn't hurt a fly.. I could overpower him easily." Drew leaned back in his chair. and winked at jake.

Jake caught on fire as he quickly tried to say some words but stacy cut him off,

"jake could beat your ass drew! he's bigger and stronger than you!" Stacy said, crossing her arms. 

Jake went to excuse himself to the bathroom but as he walked past, the hood of his hoodie got grabbed. 

"not so fast dimwit. give me my hoodie back, you've had it long enough." He said wait.

Jake, eberessed, quickly took it off then gave it to drew. 

Jake then sat back down forgetting to even use the bathroom. The rest of lunch was awkward. Jake was just sitting there listening to Stacy and drew bicker over stupid shit. the second the bell rang he got up and left. forgetting his book bag.

Once he sat down he realized he forgot his bag and hit his head on his table. He then walked out of class but as soon as he walked down the hallway he bumped into someone who was shorter than him.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" HE held out his hand to help the person up and he opened his eyes to see drew. Drew took Jake's hand up , gave him his bag and then casually said.

"Wanna skip with me n my friends?" 

Jake was taken off guard but wanting to seem cool he just blurted out. 

"Yes." Jake shook as he felt Drew grab his wrist and take him to the mens room. He saw a bunch of other seniors who all turned to him..

Stacys brother (drewxjake tmf)Where stories live. Discover now