Chapter 16

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"We'll have to go to the library to look for the book," Lily said to Anne as they moved down the corridor. Though Anne's movements were admittedly rather sluggish.

"Well, I get that," said Anne. "But I don't get why we're doing that at 6 am on a Saturday when I had plans to sleep in."

"Because there's work to be done!" said Lily, rounding the turn that leads to the grand staircases.

"After breakfast?" said Anne, gesturing towards the direction behind them.

"Breakfast isn't until 12 remember," said Lily, referring to when her first meal of the day would be.

Before Anne could object and say lunch was at 12, Lily continued, "I thought you wanted to know what the note says..."

Anne tilted her head a bit, suggesting that maybe she didn't care that much after all. And yet, now that she was up.. she was curious about what Lily would figure out... Better to be there with her at the time of the discoveries than to get a summarized or potentially botched version later.

"What's the book called again?" she asked, as they entered the library... which was very much deserted.

"The Return of the Lycans, by Nathaniel Macafy," said Lily. 

"For a class?" Anne hedged carefully.

"No, that's what Ryan's note said," said Lily. "But... it wasn't from Ryan. It seems he was just a messenger because it was signed 'Miss Art'."

"You think it's a teacher?"

"I don't think a student would have gotten Ryan to deliver it," said Lily. "I wish she had delivered it to me herself. Would have saved me from Irene's irrational irateness." 

"Interesting," said Anne as they neared the M authors in the resources section.

"Do you think Miss Art could have put something in the book?" said Lily.

"Maybe she just wants you to read it."

It wasn't long until the girls found the large leather-bound volume. Anne picked up one as well titled, "I can, Lycan."

Lily laughed. She couldn't help it. It seemed like such a stupid name for a book and she told Anne as much.

"Don't judge a book by its title!" 

They moved towards the back of the library and got settled in one of the largest group study rooms. The books landed on the table with resounding thumps. Lily, who was getting in the habit of her new schedule, slid out a notebook and pen from her satchel. She felt.. excitement. Not just to see what the book held for her, but also for the sense of normalcy. A feeling of belonging. To be just another student in this big school sitting down to start studying. 

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