I Don't Speak Tacobell

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Soap reaches for Alejandro, but the Mexican shrugs his hand off his shoulder. Staring down Graves. "What the fuck you call me dawg? I'm going full Mexican on your bitch ass." He grabs Graves by his shoulder. 

"mas te vale que no es un pinches cuarto." He slams Graves to the wall, Graves grabbing his other arm as Alejandro pins his shoulder down. "si no ahorita te- ahorita te tumbo los pinches ojos que!"
"You better give us a fucking room if not- if not imma take your eyes out dawg"

"Someone tell me what hes saying!" Graves eyes flick towards Soap for answers.

Getting angry as no one responds, "What the fuck is he saying- Dude I don't speak tacobell."  He spits out. 

Meanwhile, Soaps watching this argument going down, hands on his knees laughing as tears form in his eyes.  Full on wheezing as Ghost stands next to him, not bothering to separate them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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