I cannot believe that a scholar would speak to me in that manner having some avid expression on her face I must admit she may be a few years younger than myself, nonetheless she is as pretty as a picture. However, she is too young to even understand the way her body works and clearly she is overly confident and has optimism that steers her towards being a 'go-getter' impressive, but she cannot have me.
"Tim can you be my date for the Star Wars party at Nicolas' apartment tonight?" Cathy asks and I refuse before she can have any spark of hope. Cathy is a decent female in spite of that fact I do not believe she has any angelic intentions regarding me I am certainly convinced that she desires to make her peers envious rather than befriending me.
I enter my apartment and discover my younger brother idle on my plush burgundy couch and I kiss my teeth all the while scurry to the kitchen to calm myself down with a horrendous cup of black coffee before a homicide occurs. I must have been bewitched when I readily gave him a copy of my keys.
"When are you getting laid?" Kevin curiously asks and I roll my eyes in return. "C'mon you can't die a virgin bro!" Kevin continues and I remain silent. "This conversation is tedious Kevin, why are you in my living space either than the obvious fact that you always finish my favourite snacks?" I speak out after a good five minutes of enduring Kevin's irreligious preaching which I receive every now and again. "Mom and dad want you to come visit." Kevin dispassionately responds and I shake my head in disagreement and Kevin erupts in fits of unruly laughter.
I do not like visiting home mainly, because my dearly beloved parents are tirelessly setting me up on dates that fall in vain. I will be mentally not in fine fettle should I voluntarily move back home, because my parents are overbearing and do not understand the vital essence of respecting privacy!
'We are going to a convention this weekend cancel all your plans Timmy!' – Uncle Mat. I angrily read the text message I just received from my uncle and investor. He uses me as his personal lap dog in comparison to a business partner. I cannot pry about his niggardly behaviour, as he is my sponsor to my developing Information Technology business consultancy.
N E R D (Interracial) *EDITING IN SESSION*
Non-FictionToday marks the day Starelen falls for a completely different guy, a boy she never thought he would spark any interest in her, a boy she was only friendly towards. She never knew her heart would be enthralled by his awkwardness, shyness and antisoci...