Chapter 16: Hell Training

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Two months passed.

Allen hasn't done any work in the past two months. He spent those two months reading books in the guild library while paying attention to the training carried out by Laxus and Cana. Both are developing very well, especially Cana. The amount of magic energy he possessed in these two months had increased by four points while Laxus's had increased by two points. This amount was more than the increase in magic energy possessed by other guild members.

During these two months, Allen had also helped Makarov in improving one of the super magic owned by the Guild - Fairy Law. The improvements made by Allen lie in the punishment that the user will receive while using this magic. Previously, every time the user used this magic, the user's health would decrease according to the number of enemies affected by the ability.

The more enemies affected by this ability, the more lives the user will take. Allen has improved the punishment for using such magic. Now, every time someone uses that magic. One does not need to be afraid to worry about the life they have running out because this magic only requires the consumption of large amounts of magic energy to release it.

The assistance provided by Allen made Makarov very happy and happy. He was really happy because one of the super magic owned by the guild had been improved by Allen. During this time, Makarov always tried to force Allen to inherit his position when he was an adult. However, the answer given by Allen was still the same as before.


Fairy Tail Business District.

The Fairy Tail business area is a business area owned by the Guild - Fairy Tail. This area is in the eastern area of Magnolia City. The size of the business area owned by the guild is 100 hectares. Currently the area is in the development process. There are many things that will be built there, such as special shophouses for selling, various kinds of hotel buildings, and the most important thing is a fighting arena which covers an area of 50 hectares.

The funds used to build this business area are quite large. Purchasing land for this area has cost two billion Jewels while the overall development costs amount to 250 billion Jewels. The funds used by the Guild - Fairy Tail to build the area came from Allen. Previously there had been an agreement that the Guild - Fairy Tail only needed to return the amount of funds used for development to Allen. The business area will later be owned by both parties. Guild – Fairy Tail will hold a 51% stake while Allen will hold a 49% stake.

Then in one of the areas in that area. The area appears to be untouched by the workers currently working there. The area is around 15 hectares. It can be seen that four people are currently there. The four people are Makarov, Allen, Laxus, and also Cana.

"You two must be wondering why I invited you two to come here."


Laxus and Cana nodded, they were a little confused about the reason behind Allen calling the two of them here. As for Makarov himself, he just came to have fun. He himself already knew the purpose behind Allen calling the two of them here.

"As you both know. This area is a business area owned by our guild. This area will be built with shophouses, hotels, and also a fighting arena which will probably be completed in the next few months," Allen said casually, "The area we are currently occupying is one of the areas that will later be developed too. However, compared to building shophouses or hotels. In this area, a park will be built with an artificial lake right in the middle."


"Artificial lake?"

Laxus and Cana were a little surprised to hear this. They hadn't heard of this before. Allen and Makarov also didn't mention this before.

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