What is The Bonfire Movement?

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The Bonfire Movement isn't an exclusive political Movement as of the moment of writing this, it's merely a political way of thought that tries explaining, understanding and guiding Montenegrins in Nationalism and self preservation. That ethnic Montenegrins exist and must continue to exist as an ethnic people.

Even the name, "Bonfire" is used to describe a place of origin in Montenegrin culture and language, a flame that never goes out, even through the worst of storms

The Movement believes in the need of a strong Leader the children of the future can look up to in hard times and be proud of in times of prosperity. A leader that believes in unity and serving the people, for what is the point in a country existing if not to serve the people and laws that he or she swore an oath to, infront of the state banner? The same can be said for the people who don't serve the state and its leader. Alongside the belief of a different understanding on socially conserving the modern state of thought, as the modern understanding lacks any personality and changes based on how the wind blows. Improvement is key, It doesn't wish to revert back to old ways, but simply respect and strive to be better than we once were, if the possibility arises, a Man is a Man, and a Woman is a Woman, But they are both Montenegrin and must mutually respect and understand one another. As such the Movement is only a natural continuation of the works of Dr. Sekula Drljević and his work of "Montenegrinisation" - where he strives to make the people of his country and wider, understand that Montenegrins must revert to Fascism in order to survive in times of turmoil

Economically, it believes in combining multiple economic systems. Its not a political thought, and therefore doesn't need to be followed by heart and soul. It is both capitalist and corporatist. A country can't work without its people working, just like corporatism, the people of Montenegro must be working in production and not dwelling in corruptive high position "work" that have no actual value in it. Accepting aid as a form of survival is not acceptable and shows a people that lack any respect or love for the state and its leader

First and foremost however, the Movement wishes to create a stable family unit, how can a people reproduce and live somewhere that they see fit with the entire system favouring the single, unmaried? Not every person is for marriage but its every person's duty to wish and create the sons and daughters of Montenegro, who will continue to serve not the churches, not the bank, not a foreign people but itself, and the state exclusively

The symbol that best represents the fire in the Montenegrins is the Montenegrin five or four peddle flower. It's found in the National suit or clothes of the area and in the Montenegrin cap, and is always conveniently near the chest, just how the state needs to be near to all of its people

 It's found in the National suit or clothes of the area and in the Montenegrin cap, and is always conveniently near the chest, just how the state needs to be near to all of its people

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The Montenegrin Cap must be treasured by the people, it must be kept in proper order just as a pistol would, as gun ownership, keeping to beliefs, is allowed

The motto we deserve is "for the freedom, right and honour of Montenegro" - a motto taken by the Greens, brave men and women who fought occupation, not by the enemy but by their neighbours, there isn't a worse enemy than a traitor, homemade traitors. A person born and raised in their homeland and yet willingly chose to follow a foreign ideology, similar to how a bacteria destroys a body, its host from within. There are no good or bad leaders, just willing and weak Leaders, a willing leader can tackle these issues because he or she has the fire within them to tackle the issue in one way or another. The traitor is the enemy, the traitor lacks any human characteristics like loyalty and therefore should be treated like a wild animal

All schools, Churches and places of worship, art and literature, civic institutions and public spaces must be owned by the state in one way or another. That is the only way order and unity can be preserved.

The Military needs to be the backbone of the country. Not for invasions or meaningless balkan irridentism but for defensive wars and keeping the peace. Men should go through necessary military training as should women who Do not have any birthing capabilities.

State for the people,
People for the State

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