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✨There is a huge difference between What I feel and what I show✨

Author's POV

"Well there's no need to worry about that .I've already found someone for you."said Hridhaan with a slight hope in his aging voice.

"What?"Arjun probably couldn't digest what he was hearing.

He never wants to get close to someone cause the less people you have,the less it hurts to say Goodbye.

His entire world revolve around his children and that's more than enough for him.He was sufficient to provide a mother and father figure to his children.

He really doesn't want to get married.

"Yes Beta,I've been having this wish for a long time and talking about her then she would be the perfect mother for your children.I've always noticed the care and affection in her eyes Whenever she spend her sundays with children."

She's exactly like her name a fairy."Hridhaan admiringly said.

Arjun bitterly chuckled that was hard to hear after listening about this fairy thing.

Fairies and good people don't exist.

He threw a glance at Anamika who had a not-so-happy look on her face.

Arjun had billions of problems in his life and She was the creater of most of them.

"And if you don't agree,I will send both of them in the Adoption centre before their birthday"His father wasn't even subtle about his cruelty.And you know I'm perfectly capable of it."Abhimaan said smugly.

Arjun was astounded.He hated being in this house without her he felt nothing.It felt like everyone wanted to harm his children.He could feel all the coldness of the place in his heart.

Arjun wanted to keep his children in his arms forever,it was the safest place he could provide for his children.

People had often heard from Abhimaan about Arjun.How sweet and soft Arjun used to be.It seemed impossible to believe that a now cold Arjun had once been charming.He had never spent his time in thinking about marriage or love.

He had the sharp features that any man desires.He was lean,tall and handsome.His eyes just looks like a canvas of night sky without stars.

His eyes were perhaps what intimidated everyone.When he looked at people,it felt like he was looking in the depths of their souls,like he was well aware of all the thing they had done, everything they hid from the world.

No-one ever looked back into his eyes,maybe if they did,they would realised he had secrets too.

Despite of having the look of Adonis.He never had thought about marriage or love thing.But his fate always choose to betray him.The fear of losing his children can make him do anything.

"I'll marry with that girl"I've to,for my children.Arjun answered.

Abhimaan smiled ear to ear,finally.

Hridhaan embraced an unwilling Arjun.

"But the point of this marriage is to keep my children safe and to give them a mother's love that's it".Arjun said firmly.

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