Vol - 1 | OPS - 1: Normalicy.

343 11 3

POV: Unknown.

In the an unknown location a young man walks upon the surface of a surrounding husk enviroment.

"Where the hell am I?"

Confusion etched on his face he strodes trying to find the meaning of his circumstances. He scanned and looked towards the horizon but saw nothing.

Only two shades of color surrounds him. White and black. Yet his figure is contorted into a shade of grey he cant comprehend.

Under normal circumstances a normal individual experiencing this would start to panic and hyperventilate, yet he remained calm and collected.

"A place of pure hollowness containing no sort of landscape....am I in the after life?"

He thought to himself as he aimlessly walked towards the blank plain.

Suddenly he glanced towards a certain direction where he saw a section of contorted space. Curious he walked to it, wanting to investigate it.

"Well,well what do we have here?"

But when he reached his hand and made contact with the contorted space, voices of the unknown filled his mind.

- It was your fault she died!

- Die you unbrindeld abomanation!

- please....set me free...

- thank you....


- I forever vow to erase you for the rest of my life.....

- Goodbye...Mihaly...

He clutched his aching head as the voices continue to shout from within. The voices containing..malice,regret and hatred.

But then. A single femine voice silenced all of them as it spoke.

- one day...we will meet again...my dear Archangel....

Before he could response to the voice, the surrounding area vanished like fog and he was sent back to his reality.
Location: The great city of Lungmen.


snapping the young man from his deep thoughts a elderly man smacked the back of his head to gain his attention.


The old man looked at him with concern

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The old man looked at him with concern.

"I noticed you have been spacing out lately...quite often actually, so I cant help but wonder...are you alright boy?"

Mihaly gave him a tired smile.

"To be honest Hellagur-san...I dont know....ever since I retired from the ICA and left my identity as the Reaper  I have been getting this nightmares and memories lately.."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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