Chapter 3

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Dumbledore went to the fireplace, took some powder from a vase on the mantelpiece and threw it into the fire. The flames immediately turned green. Dumbledore stuck his head into the flames and said, "Severus, I need to see you in my office immediately, please." Ten minutes later there was a knock on the office door.
"Come in," said Dumbledore.
The door opened and a black-haired man with a hooked nose came in.
He wore a black cloak. "You wanted to speak to me Albus?" the man asked.
"Yes Severus, please sit down."
He pointed to the chair in front of his desk.
Professor Snape sat down.
"What did you want to talk to me about? But not about my application for the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position?"
"We've already talked about it Severus, you know my opinion and there's no need for discussion." Dumbledore said kindly.
"Then what did you want to talk to me about?" Snape asked annoyed.
"Well," Dumbledore began after a short break. "I have a letter here for you that I have been keeping for a long time ... Now is the time for you to receive the letter."
"Why are you only giving it to me now?" Snape asked, still annoyed.
Once you've read it, you'll understand." Dumbledore replied.
He reached into his desk drawer and took out a parchment envelope and gave it to Snape.
He turned the envelope over and looked at the words written there.
He had to swallow.
There was only his name on the envelope, but he would always recognize this writing, even if he hasn't seen it in years.
He looked at Dumbledore and only managed one word. "Lily," Snape said with wet eyes.
Dumbledore nodded.
He opened the envelope and started reading.

Dear Sev.

At the first words a tear rolled down Snape's hooked nose.
Lily was the only person who always called him 'Sev'.
He read further,

If you read this letter, im probably dead.
But there's a reason why I'm writing you this letter.
I want to apologize, Sev, for never forgiving you back then for calling me "mudblood." you mentioned. It was foolish and stupid of me, I apologize. I know you didn't mean it that way. Furthermore, I would like to thank you. You were there for me in my hardest times when no one else was there for me, even though we had no contact for years. I'm obviously talking about the time when I broke up with James and I was in a really bad place. You were the only one who came to me and comforted me. When you suddenly showed up at my door, I was surprised at first and didn't really know what to think of the situation. As I said, we had no contact for a long time. But for me it was the best thing that could have happened. You were my first real friend who was always there for me and told me everything about Hogwarts. I will never forget how we sat there together that evening and talked.
Thank you Sev for being there for me.
But there is another reason why I am writing you this letter. As you probably remember, it wasn't just talking that evening.
Two months after you were with me, I found out I was pregnant.
It could only be from you, as I haven't had that kind of contact with any other man.

Snape paused briefly and looked at Dumbledore, his face streaked with tears.
"She was pregnant by me?" he barely managed to say.
Dumbledore nodded sadly.
He turned back to the letter and continued.

Now you're probably wondering why I never told you and why you only got the letter now, right? Well, I was afraid, afraid that something bad could happen to our baby. You know I've always been afraid of the people you associated with. And when Voldemort started hunting our family, I was particularly scared. So I went to Dumbledore and asked him for help. He offered me protection. Two months before the due date, Harry and I moved into a secret room at Hogwarts where I could prepare for the birth. Six weeks later, with the help of Madame Pomfrey, I gave birth to our sweet daughter, Faith Evans.
She came on October 14th.
Although very small and delicate, she was born healthy.
I couldn't have been happier.
It has always been a wish of mine to have a child with you.
I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
I gave our princess my maiden name as her last name on Dumbledore's advice.
I also asked Dumbledore to become the little one's godfather and take care of her if something were to happen to me.
Sev I am so sorry that we could never be a real family.
However, I ask you to please always take good care of our daughter and protect her. Because I probably won't be able to do it anymore.
One more thing Sev, I want you to know that I have always loved you and always will.
Even if I never told you.

I love you Lily

Ps: If you want to see a photo of our princess, look in the envelope. There's one in there.

Snape looked up from the letter and looked at Dumbledore.
"So I really have a daughter with Lily?" "Yes and you will be pleased that you can meet her tomorrow. She is coming to Hogwarts tomorrow."
"What? She's coming to Hogwarts tomorrow? But she's not eleven yet." said Snape.
"There's no other way, she's already exuding a lot of magic. It's better if she learns to use her magic now." Dumbledore replied.
"And does Faith know that I, that I..." "That you are her father?" Dumbledore finished Snape nodded. "No. I didn't tell her. I want you to be the one to decide when the appropriate time is. I also forbade her from asking about you.
"Ok thanks," Snape said.
"However, we will have to tell the other colleagues this evening. Otherwise they will ask questions. And something else Severus, after Lily's death, I gave Faith the middle name Lily. I hope that it was in your interest.
Snape nodded again and read the last sentence of Lily's letter again.
He took the envelope and took out the photo inside.
It showed a redhead woman with green eyes. It was Lily.
She was lying in a bed and looked very tired but very happy.
She held a small bundle in her arms.
A baby with raven black hair.
It was sleeping. So that was his daughter.
"I have something here for you Severus." said Dumbledore.
He reached into his desk drawer again and pulled out a photo and gave it to Snape.
It showed a little girl with long black hair and green eyes.
Snape realized it was his daughter Faith. She looked like him.
Only the eyes and nose were Lily's. "Thank you Albus," Snape said. He got up, walked towards the door and disappeared into his private rooms.

In the evening there was another meeting with all the teachers in the teachers' room.
Dumbledore stood up from his chair and addressed his colleagues.
"Good evening. As you all know, the new school year begins tomorrow. With the new year, Harry Potter also begins his school education. I want him to be treated like any other student. Do I have your word on that?" Dumbledore asked the group.
His colleagues nodded.
"It's not just Harry Potter who starts, but also his sister Faith." explained Dumbledore
"Lily and James had another child?" Professor Flitwick interrupted.
"Harry and Faith are only half-siblings. Lily is the children's mother, but while James is Harry's father, Faith has another."
Dumbledore explained.
"Who is the girl's father?" Madam Hooch asked interestedly.
There was a short silence.
"I'm her father!" Snape said, barely audible.
"Severus you?" it came from Professor Flitwick. "but how?"
"Please don't question it." Dumbledore said seriously. "If Severus wants it, he will tell you. Otherwise, please don't question it anymore. Furthermore, I don't want anyone to say anything to Faith about who her father is. She doesn't know yet. Severus alone will decide when the right one is time. He himself has only known it for a few hours. As for Harry and Faith, I will tell them the day after tomorrow that they are half-siblings. They don't know that yet either. Now they are all enjoying the last evening before tomorrow everyday madness catches up with us again." Dumbledore finished.
The teachers got up and made their way to their rooms.
As Madame Pomfrey went to the door, Dumbledore stopped her.
"Poppy, please go to Severus and get him a calming potion.
The good one is a bit messed up." Madame Pomfrey nodded and walked out the door and headed off towards the hospital wing to get a potion.
Once in the dungeon, she knocked on Snape's office door.
"Come in" came from inside.
Madame Pomfrey entered.
Snape sat in an armchair by the fire. "Dumbledore sent me because he wants you to have this calming potion." said Madame Pomfrey.
"Thanks Poppy," Snape said. "Please put it on my desk."
Madame Pomfrey placed the potion on the table and saw the photo of Faith.
"Is she that Severus? Your daughter?" She asked to Snape.
Snape nodded.
"She is pretty." Madame Pomfrey stated. "I still remember the day she was born very well. Lily was very happy." Madame Pomfrey said sadly.
"Thanks Poppy." Snape said again.
She turned and walked out the door, leaving Snape alone with his thoughts.

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