CHAPTER 2 .|°uhm...Hi-°|

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.What happened previously.
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Soap pov

Soap was relaxing now on the couch as Gaz was in the kitchen and looked up to see what Soap was so quiet for and seen a random wallet in his hand
" Soap? Who's wallet did you take now... You know you can't keep doing this with your bad habits.. It's gonna attract unwanted attention! Please return the damn wallet you stole. "
Gaz said inna tone of annoyance feeling like Soap habits gonna get them inside of an bad situation later on in the future then Gaz glanced back at his phone and seen it was now dark outside and sighed softly.
" Come on Gaz, It can't be that bad right? " They both flinched due to someone knocking on the door as Gaz and Soap heart dropped as Gaz said silently
" Who.. Wallet did you steal Soap.. " Soap smiled and looked at Gaz
" An biker's wallet.. " Gaz smiled gently knowing he wanted to cry hearing the word biker.

Soap got up quietly and Gaz and Soap paused from moving hearing a heavy and husky British accent come from the other side of the door. " Is anybody there? "

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Gaz pov

Gaz watched as soap slowly got up as they both stared at the door then back at each other as Gaz heard and heavy and husky British accent come from the other side of the door.
" Is anybody there? "
made shivers run down his back as he calmed down and slowly walked over to the door as he opened it " Uhm... Hello— What brings you at my door of my apartment room? " Gaz said slightly nervous when he seen the male standing there looking down at him as The biker finally spoken back to Gaz leaving Gaz sorta felt unease now listening to the taller male. " Well mate, Your friend took my friends wallet and I was wondering if me and my friend could be invited inside for a drink and a conversation? "
Gaz slightly got teary eyed as the taller male noticed
" Hey what's the matter? "
The taller male was genuinely worried as he then pulled Gaz close into a hug as Gaz panicked and Backed away
" No.. No I'm fine no need for that.. It's just I don't think I would wanna let strangers into my house.. And my friend Soap— found this on the ground and we both talked about it? Is this yours.. "
Gaz pulled a wallet out and handed it to the male as the male took it and looked at it and glanced back at Gaz
" I was wondering.. What's your name? "
Gaz was confused but he went with it
" My name is Gaz.. Why— what's your name? "
The male laughed deeply in amusement leaving Gaz confused once again
" My name is Price... I find you interesting Gaz " Gaz was taken back being called interesting.
" Me interesting? I don't think I'm interesting at all— It's strange hearing you calling me interesting Price. When we just met and you already wanna know my information and about me? "
Price smiled as he took his helmet off as Gaz found this man so DAMN FINE, Gaz did kinda daydream a little bit.
" well... Nothing's wrong with getting to know someone huh? "
Price said inna confident tone as Gaz slightly blushed and gave Price an upsetting look.
" Nothing isn't wrong with that... —But anyways you got your wallet back right so..see you later? "
Gaz smiled and while he was about to close the door the male stopped him from closing it, he spoken one last time to Gaz leaving Gaz surprised and sorta lost in his own words and world when Price said this to him.
" Gaz.. Maybe tomorrow I could stop by and pick you up to take you somewhere and you can bring a friend also if you want, I was just curious did you wanna go out and get to know each other since there's an festival tomorrow tonight.. A lot of places will be opened and I think you would love it.. And enjoy it so— I'll be texting you since you accidentally gave me your wallet—"
Gaz was shocked as he checked his pocket and seen his wallet and information was gone as he was baffled and glanced at Price who was giving him a smile that was playful as Gaz felt fuzzy just looking at Price.
" Yeah sure.. I'll go and bring a friend.. Hold on! "
Gaz quickly went to Soap and grabbed the " Price " wallet and walked back over to the door and gave Price the wallet and waved goodbye and closed the door.

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Soap pov

Soap smiled at Gaz who was blushing and stuff and kept checking his phone
" You like that Biker don't you—"
Gaz was surprised hearing soap say that he felt teased as he nervously smiled
" What? No— I'm not falling for someone so quickly.. "
Soap smiled more and got excited
" You fell for someone didn't you! All this time you finally found someone you like. You should definitely get to know them a lot. "
Soap was proud of Gaz finding someone he actually finally like for these few years of rejection towards other people.
" I mean I don't know Soap, I don't know he said he found me interesting and wanted to know if I could you know.. Get to know him tomorrow and I accepted that— but if you think about it again, He's a biker.. And how the fuck did they find our house and Our room number specifically we live inna huge luxurious apartment.. How? "
Soap smiled dropped into a shocked expression
" That's.. A good point.. How did he know our room number— When we don't even know him.. "

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Price pov

He got onto the motorcycle smiling as Ghost glanced at him with an unfazed look and raised his eyebrow at Price and spoken
" What's got you in such of an good mood? " Ghost asked out of curiosity knowing Price been gone for an while as Price watched Ghost close his computer he hacked into and got information from.
" Well... It's a long story but I ran into someone hell of an badass and so interesting.. I invited him to our little trip to the Festival tomorrow night— He might bring the friend that found your wallet or stole it. "

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