Chapter 5

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We see the two heroes on the roof top

Spider-Man started to grab his phone and started to make a call

???: Hello?

Spider-Man: Aunt May!

Aunt May: Peter? Is that you?

Spider-Man: Yea aunt may it's me.

Aunt May: Oh thank goodness you're safe I was worried about you.

Spider-Man: I'm alright is MJ with you? I need to talk to her.

Aunt May: O-Oh Peter I'm sorry but she's with someone else.

Spider-Man: W-What?

Aunt May: It was during the day you went missing and the whole world went into chaos she waited for you for weeks until she began to think that you were dead. So she moved on and fell in love with a guy named Paul.

Spider-Man: O-Oh

Aunt May: I'm sorry Peter.

Spider-Man: It's okay aunt may it's not your fault and I'll call you back.

Aunt May: Okay Peter stay safe.

Aunt May hung up the phone

And Spider-Man sat down

Spider-Man: I don't know why I even try to stay in a relationship with her.

Moonlight: Hey Spidey? You okay.

Spider-Man: No I just found out that Mary Jane Watson the love of my life fell in love with someone else.

Moonlight: What? Who!

Spider-Man: Some guy named Paul, I just don't get it why is it that I'm the only one that's has bad luck with women first black widow regained her memories and the feelings she had for me wasn't real. Second I asked Carol Danvers out on a date then she I saw her kissing war machine,then there was Jessica drew, it was during the time I was fighting not one but two Phoenix force empowered X-Men I fought both of them by myself but then Hawkeye told her that he was one who stayed behind and fought them which broke my heart, next there was Felicia Hardy the black cat me and her hit it off but thanks to Otto all she feels is hatred towards me. and finally there was sliver sable I started to have feelings like actual romantic feelings for her but it didn't last.

Moonlight: Why is that?

Spider-Man: Because she's dead. so you see thanks to my parker luck it brings me nothing but pain and sadness. And it's not like you can understand.

Moonlight: Actually Pete I do.

Spider man looked at him in shock

Spider-Man: You do?

Moonlight: Yeah long story short I had a crush on five girls and they decided share me. It was good relationship I gave them my undivided attention and all of my love but then it gotten worse for me.

Spider-Man listen to his story

Moonlight: But then my bully George Simmons decided to steal my girlfriends from me I caught them having sex in his room! All that work I put into gone.

Spider-Man: So what did you do?

Moonlight: Simple they wanted to be with him so I did them a favor and broke up with them! Because I knew if they love him so much then they deserve to be with a jerk like him so cut them off of my contacts and ignored them.

Spider-Man: Holy shit! I'm sorry that happened to you. Did they ever find out about y'know.

Moonlight: Nope and they never will! And before you ask no they never know about this life so they their choice.

Spider-Man: Oh man well I'm glad to know that I'm not alone in this.

Moonlight: Of Course I got your back dude. Let's save the city. But where to start.

Spider-Man: First we'll go to Luke Cage's group.

Moonlight: Got it.

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