Chapter one

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Gaetano's POV

''Take a chill pill man''

''Yeah, relax G''

Damnit, how have I ended up here even? I still don't know. I sigh while rolling my eyes, why do I have such annoying friends, I think that this is a question even I myself I can't answer.

''Tonight, everything you want shall be given to you'' Alex said forwarding a glass of a brown liquor in my direction

''Yes tonight your the king and all your wishes shall become true'' Leandro added while faking a bow in my direction

"Like am not already the king" I scoff they both flash mischievous grins at me and I roll my eyes again... damn me

Sometimes I just wonder why have I chosen them, but deep down I know why I did it. They are annoying assholes sixty percent of the time yes, twenty percent they make me do crazy things again yes, but the other twenty percent of the time, they are always there for me no matter what and I know that they're the best.

Here we're in the time they make me do crazy things. Yes, I know I always regret it but I need to free my mind of thoughts of her

I suddenly smirk knowing that now I can't escape whatever plan they've made for me tonight ''Okay whatever you want..... cazzo I can't imagine I'm even accepting this shit'' I said why drowning in one gulp the glass Alex handed me ''Let the party begin'' I shouted over the loud music filling the club.

''That's my man'' Alex shouted back

We were in lo scantinato, one of Alex's friend's club, Orracio I think. Alex and Leandro decided we should have some fun this Saturday since lately I've not been myself anymore

It's been six months since I've not let myself be happy, six months that I've been distant and cold to everyone, well that's my usual self but not usually with my family and them... my best friends. Six months, that I've been workaholic, avoiding even my own house, six months in which I've been barely living mourning her death everyday.

She betrayed me so she deserved all what happened to her. She knew exactly what she did and the consequences but she did it anyway. I should have move on and forget all what she did, she's death after all isn't she? She had what she deserved so I should just forget about her, but... I can't. I can't do it cause I loved her. Fuck me, I still love her.

"G, can you tell this asshole here I always have the best ideas ever" Alex said cutting me from my train of thoughts

"Yes G, tell this stronzo how bad his plans and ideas are" Leandro added

"Yeah Leandro, Alex plans are always the best" said pouring myself another glass of liquor. Leandro has an obvious scowl on his face while Alex plaster a triumph smile on his face which I shortened immediately "Like the one in Vegas" I said slightly laughing at him

Leandro burst in laughter "I knew you would agree with me, his ideas are so fucked up"

"Fuck it, you two are really going to bring the Vegas shit on the table again?” he asked rolling his eyes at us while gulping his drink. Which set us two again in a round of laughter

"Okay okay, do you want us to talk about our last trip in Bogota? Or in Paris" I asked laughing harder. Alex really have damned thoughts

"Firstly, for Paris I got drugged my mind wasn't clear, that assholes took advantage of it to still us some cash" He said becoming more annoyed "And for Bogota I was in love"

"Damnit Alex, you don't even know what love means, iyou fall in 'love' every now and then like a teen in puberty" Leandro said sipping on his drink

"And what you call 'some cash' was one and a half million euros" I added

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