chapter twelve

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I get to school by my mom driving me there l did not even say bye to her and she also didnt l just got in and out of the car.

I head to my locker. And get some books. I feel someone lightly tap my shoulder. I turn around expecting mason but it was my girl friend! "Hey girl." Shalom says with a smile. "Hi." I say smilling a bit. "Whats wrong." She asks with concernity. "Its just." I sigh wanting to cry some more. "Come on lets get something at the bake sale while you talk about it." I nod at her suggestion and we begin to walk. "So...whats wrong?" I look down for a split second and squint my eyes before answering. "Just some boy problems."

"Oh you can tell me anything sis l will hear you out." I trusted her and my other friend aswell so l told her. "Well l am kind of dating this guy l dont like."

"And why is that?" I sigh. "Because my mother wanted me to date my own race and l was rushing to look for the perfect guy for a weekend event and l found him at the party you invited me to. And yeah."

"Oh thats quite alot of information but l would advise you to dump him before things get serious and find another guy l can actaully pair you up with someone your own race too!" She says smilling

"The thing is that l have feeling for my...boy best friend." I say a bit ashamed. "Oh Then girl the fuck date him duh."

"He is not black.." she stayed silent for a bit. "So?"

"Uhh how do l say mom does not want me to date any other race than black."

"Oh uhm l did not know that." She sighs before continuing. "Then girl honestly l dont know." She leaves me alone for a bit before coming back with two brown donuts. "Eat up." I thank her since l was kind of starving l hear the bell ring. "Fuck." She says. "Bye." I say in a hurry. "Bye." She responds l run to class hoping to not get detention but my class was on the second floor and l had to stuff this donut down my throat while running to class. But l spent about two minutes trying to eat this donut since it was kind of big.

After eating it l ran like never before but all that running resulted in a detention slip l was angry but l kept my cool and sat down to listen to the teacher. I was bored during the classes but soon it was break time. I stretched before getting out of English. I sit by a table all alone and eat some of my food l quickly grabbed before going to school. I looked around while eating and saw my boyfriend he was coming my way. "Oh shit." I say in my mind he sits by me. "Hey baby." He says with a grin l smile back

"So l was thinking that maybe we could go on a date soon?" As much as l did not want to l knew l had to no matter what. "Sure." He gets up and kisses me on the forehead. "Great." He leaves me all alone once again l sigh and eat until the bell rang. I quickly get to class and sit down it was chemistry l just lay in my arms but while l was laying in my arms a buzz from my phone emerged luckily no one noticed so l quietly took out my phone from my blue jean pocket. It was from mason.

I open up the text on whatsapp and l look at the text and l was so shocked that l almost gasped he said that l was a digusting (n-word). My jaw dropped l never expected mason to say this. I left him on read. For some reason l was hurt but l just switched off my phone.

Soon it was after school. I go to my locker and put back some stuff and l had to prepare for detention. So l went to a room for detention where all the other people would be. I never imagined myself to be here but here we are. I quickly texted my mom telling her that l was in detention for one hour because l was late for class. I sigh before entering the detention room and l see a random teacher by the desk. "Please sit." The teacher says. I see mason there too he smiled and gestured for me to sit next to him but l ignored him and sat far away from him.

I guess l had to sit in detention bored and l could not even open my phone nothing at all. I sighed as l was bored and l started to play with my pencils.

After one hour l was finally free from this hell and l could finally head back home. But as l was walking out of the school l felt someone tap my shoulder l thought it was one of my girl friends but no l saw a terrible face that belonged to a boy named mason.

"Hey why didnt you sit next to me in dete-"
I could not care to let him finish as l just walked away while he was talking he tried to get my attention but l ignored him completely.

I finally get into my mothers car. "Hey mom you were right." She looked at me confused. "What do you mean?"

"Mason is really a doosh bags." I see a smile appear on my her face. "Im glad you finally noticed honey!" As much as l did not want to say that mason just really hurt me.

After 5 minutes we get back home l get out of the car and l saw max and he looked excited l wondered why he was down here. "So l bought some toys for the dog and a sleeping place too and l thought that maybe it could sleep down here." I give my mom a big hug. "Thank you."

"No problem honey bun." I was glad that she did this for me. "By the way what is the gender and name?"

"He is max."

"Oh great choice sweetie anyways l will be upstairs." I nod and she left. I pet max and feed him before going upstairs to do my homework since l had quite a lot of it and it definatly wasnt going anywhere anytime soon so l started with maths.

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