The Mystery Crystal.

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In the deep caves beneath the surface, Slimecicle, or Charlie, was mining for extra materials. He was tasked to look for diamonds, iron, gold, any valuable material by Phil while he was gone to explore the island. In his thoughts, Charlie thought to himself: He was not dead yet; he was surprised yet proud of himself. He wondered what his other teammates were doing, most likely the tasks they were assigned to do by Phil, or the daily tasks, or both. Charlie dug his pickaxe into the iron bits of the stone and took it out of the gray rocks. He put the iron inside his inventory and stretched his arms, he was getting tired and hungry. He should probably get back up to the surface, he thought to himself.

But he hesitated and did not go to the surface, instead, he looked around for diamonds. While he walked around the dark caves, his feet and legs started getting cold, but not the rest of his body.

"My feet are freezing, shit." Charlie thought. He looked down to his feet covered in mud, he wasn't wearing shoes. Charlie lit the ground with his torch. What was that on the floor? Green fog, it was green fog. Was he going insane? He already went insane, but was it possible to go more insane? Green fog? He's never seen it before, but he was curious, curious and scared. Charlie lit the cave ahead with his torch. There was more green fog, even more, and it was sparkling. What kind of magic was this? Charlie was confused, puzzled. Magic in this cursed island, magic in this hell? He stepped into the green fog and it fogged up his glasses. Charlie took off his glasses and cleaned them with the green fabric around his waist. He put the glasses back on, but they fogged up again. He was too tired and hungry to care, he just decided to deal with it, and he was curious about the green fog. 

The torch went out due to the moistness of the fog. "Fuck." He cursed in his head. But he was glad it went out or he wouldn't be able to see the purple glow in the distance. Charlie's eyes sparkled in curiosity and amazement. He walked towards the purple glow; he could barely see anything due to the fog on his glasses. But he was able to barely see what was emitting the purple glow. It was a crystal, a white crystal, it was beautiful. Charlie got closer and took it with his hands. As he took the gemstone, he felt a sting in his hand. "Ow!" He yelped, his voice echoed on the cave walls, he was not used to this. But he was more focused on his hand. He couldn't see what the gemstone did on his hands due to the fog, he gave up a few seconds later. Along with the sting in his hand, his stomach was begging for food. Although Charlie had always been hungry ever since Purgatory started, but this time the hunger was really annoying him. 

That torch was Charlie's last torch, he decided to rip a piece of fabric out of his belt and took white crystal with the piece of fabric. With the crystal he lit the way out. He walked out of the fog and set the crystal down on the floor. He grabbed his glasses and cleaned the fog off with the green fabric around his waist. He put on his glasses and now he was able to see what was around him. Charlie grabbed the crystal with the piece of fabric and put it near his injured hand. He noticed that the crystal gave him a small scar that made him bleed, it didn't hurt but it stinged, and he was getting a little dizzy now. "I have to head back up now." Charlie thought to himself. He walked back to the surface.

During his way up to the surface, he got dizzier, and besides that, he now had a headache to deal with. Charlie felt like he was getting a fever, a bad fever. Charlie arrived at the surface and walked in the burning sun towards the castle that Foolish had built. He kept the white mysterious crystal on his hand as he didn't have space in his inventory. He was starting to feel the need to pass out with the burning sun. He was definitely sick. He took off the gasmask from his head to get cooler and so he could breathe easier. It sort of worked, and he felt slightly better. But he wanted to keep the gasmask on as it was a representation of team BOLAS?!?! He put the gasmask back on and kept walking towards the castle.

Team BOLAS?!?! Turns into babies and Phil has to deal with itWhere stories live. Discover now