Chapter 1: Another Chance to be a Hero

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I stared down at the small black box that was sitting on my desk. But why was it here? Is Master Fu giving me another chance? If so, why me? Doesn't he know that I had given Tikki away to my best friend?

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the small black box. A bright flash of orange light blinded me and I dropped the box and shielded my eyes from the bright flash.

Despite knowing it was coming, the orange light still surprised me. I jerked back, squinting at the light, blinking as it dimmed and shaped into a small, little fox like kwami. One that stretched out and yawned, flashing me little pointed fangs. The being drooped for a few seconds, sleepy-eyed and rubbing black paws over its face, then it gave a wild shake, snapping violet eyes open and meeting my wary stare.

"Hello, Kit!" The fox kwami flashed me a big, toothy smile, as it greeted me with a happy and cheerful tome in it's voice.

"I'm Trixx, I give you the power to create Illusions, which is something I think you'd have a lot of fun with." The little fox Kwami said, then she glanced around my room.

It was then that I finally looked down at the small orange and white fox-tailed necklace that still lay perfectly still inside of the box. I took a deep breath and slowly reached out and plucked the miraculous out of the box, a golden chain followed it with a soft rattle, revealing this miraculous to be a necklace.

I glanced back at Trixx, the kwami had landed on my little red umbrella I placed over my chaise, making it spin with her move and she crawled to the edge, peeking over to eye the small flock of pigeons that had settled in my room. A few had woken up and were eyeing the small being with nervous orange eyes.

Trixx stuck her tongue out at them, then darted to the gaping hole that replaced my window, scaring a few pigeons that were perched there away, making a soft "Oooooooh" As she looked out and spotted Notre Dame looming across her home.

Satisfied, Trixx sharply turned and continued to explore, I just sat, watching her pause before my mannequin, a hat placed on its neck. With a wiggle and flash of playfulness in those purple eyes, the kwami darted under the hat, making it float and wobble, the kawmi moaning like a ghost under it. Marinette's lips curled, a soft giggle escaping her.

Laughing at her little joke, Trixx popped out and let the hat drop down on the mannequin. Trixx darted up, ears perked high, looking over my bed.

"So," I called out, turning those violet eyes down to me. I held up the necklace, asking, "Um, powers? Or... " I fumbled, frowning, unsure what to say. I lowered the necklace, cupping the fox tail, frowning as I eyed it.

"Miraculouses aren't handed on mere whimsy." Trixx called out, drawing my gaze back to her. The fox kwami dropped down, hovering near me, with an easy going smile on her lips.

"You're given one because you're fit for one." Trixx continued, smiling cheekily at me as she pointed with a paw at the fox-tailed necklace that I was holding.

"I shouldn't let doubt chain me." I quietly echoed, running a thumb along the curve of the fox tail. Trixx smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Doubt is a pesky troll." Trixx agreed, with a small laugh and twitch of her tail. "Poking you in the back of the head." The little fox continued, as she returned to exploring my room, I smiled and laughed quietly at the little kwami.

"So... Umm, what exactly are the powers of the fox miraculous?" I asked, and Trixx smiled with a thoughtful hmm sound.

"Powers of the fox miraculous revolves around guidance and manipulation." Trixx replied, with a wide grin on her face and a flick of her ears.

"What do you mean by guidance and manipulation?" I asked, and Trixx smiled widely at me with an amused glint in her eyes.

"Foxes are clever, patient guides, and are brilliant manipulators good at getting whatever they want and helping whoever they want." Trixx declared, tail curling beneath her as the kwami leaned back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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