Chapter One - Foggy Memories

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You slowly woke up, a ringing noise filling your non-existent ears. You groan, smacking your face, making the ringing noise stop. You sit up and look around, you seem to be in a deserted city, snow covering almost everything. You saw a door in front of you, it was huge, but there was no way to enter it.

You decided to get up, and head away from the door. You tried to use both arms to get up, but you ended up falling over. This is when you realized one of your arms were missing, oil slowly leaking from where your arm was supposed to be.

You slowly got up with your only good hand and walked away from the door, you found, what looked like a red beanie, and decided to wear it. It matched your red eyes and red hair. You explored through some of the buildings, a lot of them were empty, but some of them had old clothes designed for humans.

Reaching over, you put one of the shirts on, it was a black shirt with rips and tears, but it would do for now. You also found some black boots and put them on your metal feet.

Look around some more, you find something that had twenty-six cubes on it, you were able to turn it, miss-matching the toy of some sorts. It had white, yellow, red, orange, green and blue stickers on it. You turned it a bit more, getting bored of it quickly since it was hard to turn the toy with one hand, so you threw it below you.

Walking out, you stare at other building. They probably wouldn't have anything useful, so you decide to continue walking. That's when you heard a loud thumb in the distance, startling you. You slowly walked over into a alleyway where the noise came from. You walked a bit further in, noticing that you had to turn a corner.

Clenching your teeth, you turned the corner quickly. Seeing that it was nothing, you quickly sighed and leaned against the wall. That was when something jumped on you. Yelping, you tried to fight back and noticed it was a bot. This bot had gray hair, a yellow X for it's eyes, wings, and knife-like claws.

Just then, a bot that had purple hair, purple eyes, and a black beanie walked up. "V, you can't scare worker drones like that!" The bot said, V sighed and got up off you, retracting it's wings. "You're no fun Uzi." the bot groaned, putting her hand on her hip.

Another drone walks up, gray hair just like V, but male, and has a pilot hat on. "Are they okay? Their hand his missing." The male bot pointed at you, looking over at Uzi. "N, she's fine. Only a little bit of oil is coming out of where there arm is supposed to be.

"Well, I am hungry right now!" V exclaimed, Uzi narrowed her eyes. "You aren't eating anyone V." V groaned, a bored look on her face. I stared at the bots, a worried smile on my face. "So I'm not dying?" I ask. "Unfortunately" V responds, folding her arms together.

"What if they come back with us? We could find away to fix their arm!" N's hand rose up in excitement, jumping a little bit. Uzi stared at you before looking back at N, "Yeah, I guess they could come back with us." she sighed.

N squeaked in delight and V groaned. "Seriously? First I can't eat a worker drone, second they are coming with us? What a nightmare." She grumbled, her eyes narrowing at you before walking a head. You, Uzi, and N followed behind her.

Walking for a while, you look over a Uzi, "If you don't mind me asking, where are we going exactly?" you asked. "Somewhere where we can fix your arm, and that somewhere is something I don't know yet." She shrugged, continuing to walk on the crunch snow.

"Why cant we just fly around, it would be way faster." V suggested. "But the worker drone wouldn't even be used to us dragging her around in the air." N said. "Yeah, N's right V." Uzi commented, her hands to her sides.

"Ughh, I don't want to walk for hours!" V complained as everyone continued to walk. How long were we going to be walking? That was for time to tell.

(AHH, This was my first chapter! I hope you all like it! Sorry if I made any mistakes! Comment if I should continue, I probably will anyways, I just want to see what you guys want to say about it! ^^)

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