Chapter Three

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A hand shaking my shoulder roughly wakes me up with a start. I yawn and sit up, stretching, coming face to face with Red. My mouth starts to move as if to speak, but he places a finger to his lips, shushing me. That's when I first hear the voices outside.

"It was two girls apparently," a girl's voice states.

"May was found dead yesterday, do you think it was them?" another person asks.

"Them or Birdie. Though I'm placing my bets on him because her fingers were missing and so were a couple teeth."

"You think he tortured her?"

"Oh definitely. Birdie loves to be two steps ahead of us at all times. May knew our patrol schedules and her body was days old before we found it."

I lock eyes with Red, questioning the people outside. He simply shrugs and returns my stare.

"If we find Birdie, do we bring his head or him?"

"No offence, but he would definitely break free and take us captive instead. We'd have to kill him."

" You're Birdie?" I whisper as quietly as possible, trying to confirm my hypothesis.

He gives me a skeptical look, like he's questioning my reasoning as to why I need to know. However, this gives me my answer.

" You've tortured people?" I exclaim.

He doesn't respond, but simply stares at me with wide eyes, warning me to stop talking. We lay there for a good seven minutes, not making a sound. It's been a bit since those people left, yet we stay on the ground. Finally he gets up, dusting off his knees. I immediately back away from him, reaching for any kind of weapon, my hands landing on a metal pipe.

"I would've killed you last night if I wanted you dead," he watches me with narrowed eyes.

"What if you're just waiting for the right moment?" I ask distrustfully.

"You were sound asleep. That was a perfect time if I wanted to kill you."

"You torture people!"

"It's necessary," his eyes glint with malice, his entire face changing in a split


He clearly isn't happy about my discovery and he's giving me a warning with an intimidating look. He wants me to shut up, to stop questioning him and the tactics he uses. It's unnerving that he can, in an instant, go from calm to threatening.

I point the pipe at him, staring him dead in the eyes. I guess he's right. He would've killed me when I fell asleep if he wanted to. However, that doesn't prove anything. He could have some weird underlying motives of somesort.

"You help me find Raven now," I thrust the metal in his direction.

"Already planned that," he decides that I'm not going to actually try to hurt him.

He stands up and moves a board, causing sunlight to seep through the window. I cover my eyes immediately, the brightness filling my vision. I stand up as well, walking up to the window. The ground is so far from up here.

"Move," Red pushes me aside lightly.

He then leaps out of the window and onto a very thin ledge on the building across. When I say thin I mean thin, like he's standing on the tips of his toes in order to have some footing. I stare at him with disbelief.

"There's no way I'm jumping!" I hiss.

"Hurry up," he reaches out a hand while pressing his chest against the wall.

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