Chapter Five

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I was up all night so when morning finally arrives, my head is pounding. My eyes burn, begging to be closed, but I can't manage to give them that relief. Crow kept as far away from me as possible, his irritation with me as clear as the sky this morning. When he hears me start to move, he shoots a glare in my direction and grabs his things. His attitude is as cold and bitter as the dawn air during the sunrise.

"I'm going hunting. Keep your ass here," he stands up, grabbing his bow, "there's a water bottle in my bag if you need a drink."

I don't respond, but meet his eyes with hatred burning in my own. I can't believe he spoke to me like that yesterday and I can't believe that I let him. It did make me freeze up, his tone sounded much like Grayson's and I supposed that triggered me in some way.

I watch as he takes away the chair which kept the door unable to open from the outside. Crow then gives me one last glance, something else in his eyes other than disappointment. As soon as he's gone I get up and creep up to his bag, unzipping the zipper and peering inside. I'm hoping that he forgot to hide something important that'll give me some leverage against him. He's such an ass. I don't know why I ever wanted him to join our group.

I grab the water bottle and examine the water before taking a small sip. Once I confirm that it tastes normal, I drink a bit more. I could just take his bag and leave. I should be able to make it to Raven without him, but I don't really know this city. It could be a death sentence because without him I'd probably be dead multiple times over by now. Do I take the risk? Is it worth it to get away from him?

I shake my head, picking up his bag as I zip it up. I throw it on my shoulders and leave the gas station, breathing in the fresh air. I suppose I wouldn't even know where to look for Raven without Crow, but the way he spoke to me just won't get out of my head. He did say that he in no way was joining our group, so I should stick with him until I get out of Ottawa with Raven, right? I should use his skills and knowledge to benefit myself, that's something other survivors do, I'm sure.

A sudden loud bang rings through the air, making me jump. It echoes through the streets, the birds which sang before now going quiet. I quickly jump behind cover, my eyes wide with fear and my heart beating in my ears. If I didn't know better, I'd say that was a gun. It sounded quite distant, like it wasn't aimed at me. A sudden worry creeps into me for Crow, though I try to shake it away. I'm not sure why I'm worrying about someone I was just plotting to leave. I can hear voices not too far from here.

"Shit, shit, shit," I murmur to myself.

I've got to move. I was told not to, but now I have no choice as I don't know whether or not these people are in affiliation with the others hunting Crow. I creep alongside the gas station, then make a break for a broken down car up ahead. I dive inside and keep my head low as multiple people pass by.

"You heard that shot?" One of them speaks.

"Fuck yeah. Do you think Caden hit him?" A woman asks, her voice scratchy.

"God I hope so," the first person speaks again. "Birds have always been prey to the hunters, huh?" The first person asks.

I grimace at the cheesiness.

"Oh definitely. I wonder what we'll do with the body," The woman giggles.

I hold my breath as the two pass, closing my eyes tight and desperately trying to stay still. Are they talking about Crow? Did he get shot? From what I've gathered these past three days, Caden must be the leader of these Watchers. Firearms are an anomaly in this post-apocalyptic world; the preferred choices are typically silent weapons like bows or knives to avoid attracting the attention of the Unkempt. Following Crow's words about Ottawa, it appears these Unkempt remain dormant during daylight hours, providing a temporary reprieve from potential attacks..

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