10: Durshala's marriage-3

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"Yes,there please"

Arshia said softly placing her hair strand behind her ear. She looked around and smiled proudly at how beautiful the area for the engagement looked. Although her and Durshala weren't really talking,at the moment,she still loves Durshala and would never miss the opportunity to decorate for her marriage.

She had started yesterday and now it was just the last minute flowers which were going to add on to the beauty.

"Putri" Arshia turned around and smiled brightly at Gandhari and Kunti and greeted them.

"You look beautiful, Putri" Kunti said as her soft and motherly gaze scanned her. Her light pink saree with the jewelries almost make it impossible for anyone to take their gaze off her.

"Thank you, Rajmata!" With a hint of excitement,she spoke.

"All of them are here already." Kunti said turning around. Being taller than both the women infront of her,she looked at the hall,her calm and composed self leaving. The discomfort and slight anger could be seen on her face. The 100 Kauravas with Jayadartha and Duryodhana in the middle,walked proudly towards the area.

She slightly rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Pranipat Mata Gandhari, Pranipat Rajmata Kunti" Jayadartha greeted. His gaze fell upon Arshia who was looking at the decorations.

"Pranipat, Rajkumari Arshia" He said a bit louder. She turned her gaze on the smirking man and, sub-consciously,gritted her teeth. Kunti turned to her with a questioning look on her face, probably why she was in such discomfort and not greeting the man back. Noticing this,she fake smiled and,forced herself,to greet him back.

He walked towards the huge decorated couch and sat on it like it was a throne and occasionally looking at Arshia,who looked really pretty.

She had noticed his gazes and mentally threw up. But knowing she couldn't even curse at him,she just rolled her eyes and stood her ground. She scratched her hands harshly, thinking of way to apologise or at least talk to Durshala.

She saw a shadow covering her front from the sun as she looked up at Karna. She smiled and pranam-ed him.

"Pranipat, Rajkumari. You look really beautiful today" Karna said,his eyes fixed on her face. A sense of relief washed over her when he didn't scan her outfit like every single soul in the room had already done, making her feel uncomfortable.

She smiled brightly at him and thank-ed him.

Before any of them could even utter a word,the instruments started playing. The both of them turned their attention to the sound. A smile reflected on her face as she saw Durshala in her outfit.

She saw Kunti gesturing her to accompany Durshala. She nodded and did was she was asked to.

A small smile made up his face seeing Arshia link her arms with Durshala and saying something that made Durshala laugh.

"I am sorry Durshala Jiji. I get what I did wrong and I can't handle not talking to you when you are about to leave.So let's make up and enjoy the time" Arshia said making Durshala smile and nod.

Against all her will,she made Durshala sit down beside Jayadartha. She fake smiled and walked to the side.

"Hello~" A singing voice greeted. Turning her attention to the voice,she saw the Pandavas.


"Aree~You look so beautiful,not as handsome as me but still so pretty" Nakul said, letting lose the strand that was trapped in the back of her ear. Arshia jokingly glared and removed the hair strand.

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