37: Subhadra is pregnant

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It had been 2 days in Indraprastha for Arshia and Vrishaketu.

Arshia couldn't get enough of the beauty of the palace alone and she was tensed she couldn't roam around the pretty kingdom.

Vrishaketu had grown fond of the twins and,in every instant,he was seen with them. Even the Indraprastha castle servents had grown fond of a child roaming around in the castle. But what everyone noticed was Vrishaketu growing bitter at Arjun,for a reason no one knew.

Vrishaketu admired Subhadra and always questioned her about her brother,which she happily answered to.

"Arshia" Subhadra called out. Arshia turned around,from admiring an exotic flower,and smiled at her. "Yes jiji?"

A wide and excited smile spread across Subhadra's face as she placed her hand on her stomach. It took Arshia a few moments to realise what she meant and when she did,her eyes turned into the shape of coins and a new colour of emotion splashed across her face.

"You are pregnant?!" Arshia yelled, gaining the attention of the servants who were working. Their ears perked up and they stared at each other in shock upon learning the new information.

Arshia bowed her head, acknowledging her mistake and looked at Subhadra excited.

"You mean,I get a nephew?" Arshia blurted out. "It can be a neice too,Arshia" Subhadra stated as Arshia just smiled at her. "Does bhrata Arjun know this?or bhabhishree Draupadi?" Arshia questioned. Subhadra shaked her head, negatively.

"Let's go!We have to let them know!Wait" Arshia turned to a dasi and spoke "Please inform the Pandavas, bhabhishree Draupadi to come to their common chamber,on request of Angrani Arshia."

"Vrishaketu?" Subhadra asked. "He must be with Bharta Sahadev or Bharta Nakul. He will come, let's go now!"

Arshia softly pulled Subhadra.


"Yes Arshia? What's the matter?" Nakul asked entering the chamber,with Vrishaketu in his arms. Arshia smiled at Vrishaketu and said "Well,let bhabhishree Draupadi come then I shall speak"

Nakul nodded in acknowledgement.

"Everything okay?" Arjun asked tensed. "Why are you so tensed? Obviously everything is okay" Arshia joked as a smile spread across Arjun's face.

"Subhadre,are you okay?You look....red" Arjun asked as the blush on Subhadra's face deepened. Arshia held back a smile and let whatever was happening continue.

Soon enough Draupadi and Yudhishthir entered the chamber and Arshia took it as her cue to start speaking.

"Well,ladies and gentlemen...I am pleased and honored to announce that we will have a tiny prince coming to Indraprastha!" Arshia said, straight to the point.

The sudden announcement held everyone back as they seemed frozen in their place. Only Vrishaketu was the one who couldn't understand what was happening.

"Aunt Draupadi is having a child?" Vrishaketu broke the cold silence. Draupadi stared at the child shock and shaked her head violently.

"No dear,it's your aunt Subhadra who is pregnant!" Arshia said excitedly. Vrishaketu escaped from Nakul's grip and ran to Subhadra, hugging her. Arshia looked at Arjun,who had a soft and gentle smile spread across his face.

Then her eyes fell on Draupadi,who had a very slight bitter expression on her face.

Arshia thought

"It's sad that even though Draupadi loved Arjun the most out of the five brothers,he was the one who spent least time with her. When it was his turn to spend a year with her,he broke the rule and went into exile. At moments when Draupadi craved Arjun,the one who won her,was not there with her. Even when Arjun broke the rule,that no one except Draupadi could live in the castle of Indraprastha,she accepted Subhadra and let her live in the castle."

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