Chapter 7 : Rocky & Howie

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Ryder and Rocky exit the clinic and hop on the ATV . Ryder starts his ATV engine and heading back to the lookout . When they're arrive at the lookout , they saw Howie Roger Jones is standing outside of the lookout waiting for them . They got off from the ATV and walk up to Howie Roger Jones .

“ Welcome back you two . Did the doctor say anything about Rocky ? ” said Howie Roger Jones as he asks Ryder .

“ Well Remedy said he will tell me the positive or negative of Rocky's blood sample about 2 weeks . But he'll tell you when he got the result . ” said Ryder .

“ Good to hear . Also , the pups are tidying up the lookout because their parents are coming to Adventure Bay on Wednesday to visit them since it's Tuesday . ” said Howie Roger Jones .

“ Oh man , I forgot to tell Rocky about this . ” said Ryder .

“ Tell me what ? ” Rocky ask Ryder .

“ I want to tell you that the pups' parents are coming to Adventure Bay on Wednesday . So I think you really need to move your stuff out from the spare bedroom where you sleep because they need to use the that bedroom . ” said Ryder .

“ Then where am I going to sleep ? ” Rocky ask Ryder .

“ Sleep with Ryder . That will be easy . ” said Howie Roger Jones .

“ I wish I could but I only have one bed . How about ... ” said Ryder as Howie know what he is going to say .

“ No ! No way , Ryder . I know that look on your face . I'm not taking Rocky to - ” said Howie Roger Jones as he is in his car driving .

“ Your house . ” said Rocky as he is inside the car with Howie on the front passenger seat .

“ Yeah you're right . My house is 35 kilometers away from Adventure Bay . Usually I wake up at 5 a.m. because of work at Adventure City . It took me 3 hours to get there since my work starts at 9 o'clock . Why do I have to agree with Ryder ? ” said Howie Roger Jones as he is asking himself .

“ C'mon dude . The spare bedroom have been used for someone and besides , I can stay at your house forever . ” said Rocky .

“ Number 1 , you're not staying with me forever . Number 2 , I want you to stop doing some annoying and stupidity thing . ” said Howie Roger Jones .

“ Why are you telling me what to do ? I'm a 6 year old pup . ” said Rocky .

“ Sorry . Even a 6 year old pup need to follow the rules too . ” said Howie Roger Jones .

“ C'mon Howie , house rules are lame . Besides , you will going to like me . ” said Rocky .

“ 嘿 !嘿 !嘿 !我只同意莱德让你和我一起作为一个温馨的家。我真的不想同意他的观点。” said Howie Roger Jones as he speaks Chinese .
(Translate : Hey ! Hey ! Hey ! I only agree with Ryder for letting you stay with me as a welcoming home sweet home . I seriously don't want to agree with him .)

“ 哇,我不知道你会说中文。我也会说中文。看来你和我都是说中文的哥们.. ” said Rocky as he speaks Chinese .
(Translate : Wow , I didn't know you speak Chinese . I speak Chinese too . Looks like you and me are Chinese speaking buddies .)

“ 哦天哪...你能停止说话吗?” Howie Roger Jones ask Rocky .
(Translate : Oh my goodness ... Will you ever stop talking ?)

“ 抱歉我不能。” said Rocky as he speaks Chinese .
(Translate : Sorry I can't .)

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