Part 1: Witch's Beginnings

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"Long ago, when the first and most powerful witches in history were practicing witchcraft, But for their great power, they were hated and disdained only because others could not gain that power for themselves, but I am a descendant of them, and with their power, I will be the most powerful witch in history, and then no one will look down o-ouch!" Me being rudely interrupted in my great story with a hit to the head.

"Stop being stupid for once and get down from the table," a stupid man said.

"Do you have a problem with my great story?" I asked, annoyed at the man.

"Yes, but first get off the table," asked the stupid man, annoyed.

"My stories ar-." " Get off the table!" the stupid man interrupts m-. "GET OFF THE TABLE NOW, LOVNER!"

"OK, I'm getting down!" I said, getting down from the stupidly old wooden table.

"As I was saying, my stories are the history of witches," I told the gormless man.

"First of all, the first witches did not have any descendants to inherit their power," the stupid man responded.

"Well, not their direct descendant," a fact I retorted to the stupid man.

"Secondly, they were not the most powerful witches," the stupid man continued.

"Well, what would you know?" I asked the unintelligent man who knew nothing.

"You should be training in magic instead of making up dumb stories," said the dumb man with an ugly pale face.

"My stories are not dumb," I whisper under my breath.

"Just stop making up stories and train your magic," said the annoying man, trying to stop my fun for no reason.

"Well, I like telling stories, not that you would care about it," I stated to the annoying man.

"Yeah! I don't care about your annoying little stories," said the man still annoying me.

"You're the annoying one here," I retorted to the annoying man.

"You're the annoying one, but that doesn't matter," the more annoying man voiced.

"What matters is your magic," the annoying man continued voicing.

"My stories and my magic are important!" I annoyed said to the annoying man.

"How is your magic going? Show me your magic," the stupid man demanded with his dirty, unkempt brown hair.

"My magic is amazing like me," My stunning self said to the man.

"Even if your magic is bad, you still need to show me," insisted the foolish man.

"MY MAGIC IS AWESOME, LOOK!" I yelled while creating a small, shining green orb in my hand with magic, feeling my energy tear out and turn into a sphere-like shape outside my body with a faint laziness from the ord.

"What's so awesome about making a small orb?" The stupid man ignorantly. "And that wasn't what you should have been doing," The ignorant man continued.

"Well, mayhap not, but I did make something," I pointed out to the stupid man.

"You should have been making a cube, not a sphere," the man said while effortlessly forming magic into a medium-sized, green, glowing cube in his hand. "This is what you were supposed to make." The man's stupidity continued.

"I guess you're kind of good," I told the man. "But I'm better. See this," I said, forming magic into many small, shining spheres around me. It felt like a lot of energy from my body was tearing out of me compacting into small sphere-like shapes with an intense haziness from the orbs as if a part of me was not connected to the rest of my body.

"Just simple things, please stop playing around," The man said, pointing at the orbs, and then they just disappeared!

"Wait, what did you do?" I excitedly asked the man who is also my teacher.
"What was the magic you used? Was that- did you dispel magic?!" I said to my teacher, a powerful witch named Vozakq. I'm his excellent student, Lovner, but I will be more powerful than him one day.

"Yes, yes, I was dispelling magic, but it's not something to get that excited over," Vozakq boringly said.

"How did you do that? How would I do that?" I still said excitedly.

"You can't make a cube. You won't be able to do this either," Vozakq replied dumbly.

"That was actually cool. You gotta teach me," I told the dumb Vozakq.

"You got to take this seriously. You can't just do something because it's cool,'' said Vozakq with tired eyes.

"But making a cube is so boring," I voice accurately.
"It might be boring, but you still have to do it," The dumb Vozakq said boringly.

"But why not just teach me the cool stuff," I asked Vozakq nicely.

"Ok, Lovner, if you learn the boring stuff, I will teach you to dispel magic," the smart Vozakq told me smartly.

"When can you teach me to use Dispel magic?" I asked Vozakq excitedly.

"When you learn how to make a cube using magic,'' the annoying Vozakq replies.

"I could do any kind of magic, Cube magic, and this Dispel magic," I said proudly.

"OK, first of all, you only know how to make a sphere, and second of all, stop naming your ma-," Vozakq was saying when he was interrupted by the sounds of knocking on our front door.

To be continued.
(And always remember to have fun)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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