Prologue: Into the Cinema (Part 1)

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Lumine doesn't know what happened, she remembered being at Mondstadt with Paimon and Amber, got dragged away by the tornadoes along with Paimon, the next bright light and finally darkness.


She groaned as she slowly stirred, opening her eyes to see a worried Paimon as she cried "Waaahhh!! You're okay, Paimon thought you won't wake up soon!!" Paimon cried as she hugged Lumine's cheek as Lumine gently rubbed the her fairy companion's hair to calm her down "I'm sorry Paimon." "Traveler!" They both turned to see Amber quickly heading towards them as she kneeled down to check for any injuries "Thank Archon's your alright!" Amber said as Lumine spoke up "It's good to see you alright as well Amber, but where are we?" Lumine asked as she looked around the gigantic room to see a huge screen in front of her along with comfortable looking chairs.

(Picture down below belongs to the original owner, not mine.)

"That's what we're wondering as well

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"That's what we're wondering as well." The new voice spoke as Lumine, Paimon and Amber look towards the owner to see a blonde woman walking towards them with two more people by her side "Jean, Lisa, Kaeya, you're here as well?" Amber asked as she helped Lumine get up as the Acting Grandmaster, Jean, soon answered "Not just us, nearly everyone in Teyvat is here." Lumine then noticed a group of large people were here as well.

One of them from Mondstadt came towards them, his hair and eye color were as red as ruby with a deadpan look on his face, the Dawn Winery Owner, Diluc, soon spoke up "And most importantly, who brought us here?" "I did." Everyone in the room turned to see a girl now appearing in front of them.

Who was none other than me! I gave them a cheeky smile, waved at the crowd of people and spoke up "Welcome everyone, I know some of you are confused and have questions to ask but there is a reason I brought you all here." "That, I too want know." The man, Zhongli said as I cleared my throat and explained "Well for starters, someone requested to transport you all here since you all are gonna be reacting to what I'll show you through the screen we have in this room." I said as Lumine asked "Who requested it?" "Why that would be me, dear." Everyone's eyes widen to see a galactic portal opening behind me as a woman walked out to reveal herself and stood beside me.

(The picture down below belongs to me, she's also one of my old OC's.)

She smiled as she looked towards the group and spoke "Hello everyone, I hope my entrance didn't leave you all too shocked

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She smiled as she looked towards the group and spoke "Hello everyone, I hope my entrance didn't leave you all too shocked." "Ah not too much, just surprised, but who are you by any chance?" The Deaconess and Jean's younger sister, Barbara, asked as the woman calmly answered "My name is Yûzhòu Nûshén, but can all call me Yûzhòu, I am the Goddess of Universe, Time and Mystery." Everyone, except me and Yûzhòu, stood shocked and speechless. The Goddess of Universe, Time and Mystery? They didn't think they would actually meet one.

Lumine, on the other hand, didn't react like the others as she rushed towards Yûzhòu and gave her a warm hug as the goddess hummed and rubbed her hair, stunning the others even more "Yûzhòu..." Lumine whispered, as if a child was reunited with their mother "Hello Lumine, it has been a long time." They soon part way from the hug as Yûzhòu gently held her face to look at her "Look at you, you've grown into a strong, beautiful lady." Lumine smiled as Paimon floated over her and asked "Lumine, you know her?" Lumine nodded as she turned to look at Paimon and spoke "Yes, she and I knew each other of a long time." I soon spoke up "Actually, Yûzhòu asked me to bring you all here because you all are going to react to Lumine's adventures right here and mostly for her entertainment." Yûzhòu nodded as she placed a hand under her chin with an amused smile on her face "Yes, we just need to add a few more people into it." She faced me as I nodded and pulled my phone out and started dialing a the number.

The ringing sound was heard until it was cut off as someone picked up "Hello? Who's calling?" The voice was heard as I answered "Hello Hades, how are you doing?" "Oh, Author-San, (That's what everyone will call me for the time being) I didn't think you'd call me so suddenly, I'm doing well actually, is there something you need?" Hades asked as I answered "Yes actually, can you revived a certain group of people on the list I'll be sending you soon, and be sure to teleport them in the Cinema Room." "Cinema Room? Let me guess, Yûzhòu wanted some entertainment, huh?" Hades asked as I giggled "You know how she is and just to let you know, Lumine is here too." "Lumine? Oh my, I wondered how she and her brother were doing these days. Alright, I send them here as soon as I can. Do tell Lumine I said hello." Hades said as I nodded "Of course, talk to ya later Hades." With that, I ended the call as I heard someone as I turned to see Yanfei as she asked "Sorry of I'm being nosy, but who were you talking to just now?" "Oh, that was Hades, God of Death and Ruler of the Underworld, I asked him to revived a group of people who'll be joining us soon." This made everyone's jaw drop when I mentioned Hades as I giggled along with Yûzhòu while Lumine smiled and shook her head "Well this will be interesting."

A bright light was seen behind tbe group as they all turned to see the revived group of people me and Yûzhòu listed in.

(Who are those group of people you may ask? Be a lucky guess and comment down below who it will be on Part 2!)

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