Prologue: Into the Cinema (Part 2)

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Hey everyone, just to let you all know that some of the names you might not recognize is the names I created for the unamed characters from the story and some belong to one of my OC's, if you do not like the names I created.

You can change the names however you like within this this story.

Megaphone Voice - "Hello"
Video on Screen - ~"Hello"~
Talking - "Hello"
Thinking - 'Hello'


When I snapped my fingers, a large group of people puffed into thin air as they looked confused and a bit dizzy from the sudden arrival. Some of the people who knew them were shocked. In front of them were the dead people, who were still confused, some certain people who once knew them were here and breathing.

The group were the Yakshas (Bosacius, Bonanus, Indarias and Menogias), Crepus Ragnvindr, Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, Guizhong, Tomo (Kazuha's friend), Makoto, Carmen (Venti's friend, Credit of the name goes to @kosonah on X), Niwa Hisahide, Yasashī Hanabira (Scaramouche's sickly friend) and Tokubetsuna Koishi (Heizou's friend).

They soon set their sights on the certain people they know and happily greeted them. They didn't waste a second as they sprint towards them as they emotionally held onto them. Xiao, the Yakshas, Zhongli and Guizhong tearfully greeting each other, Crepus hugging both his sons warmly into the embrace, Rukkhadevata kneeling down and hugging young Nahida as she embraced the former Dendro Archon, Kazuha and Tomo hugging and patting each other's backs, Ei hugging her older sister tightly, not wanting to let go, as she tearfully cried with Makoto and Yae Miko gently rubbing her back, Venti and Carmen holding onto each other as the Anemo Archon tried his best not to let tears slip out of his eyes while his friend lightly chuckled, Niwa and Yasashī warmly embracing Scaramouche as he huffed, but nonetheless gently hugging them back and finally Tokubetsuna and Heizo handshake as soon hugged as well.

It was a heartwarming sight for the others to silently watch, not wanting to break the moment. Even me and Yûzhòu stood and watch with gentle smiles on our faces. That is until I hear a soft beeping sound making me pull my tablet out, with Yûzhòu watching me, as an irritated closed-eye smile look on my face appeared, if looking closely you can see a vein appearing at the side of the face, as I silently spoke "That little-! Cleo, I'm gonna end you once I find you!"


"ACHOO!" A blue haired teen boy sneezed as he exclaimed "Someone is talking about me!" "Wipe that disgusting nose of yours, idiot." The purple-black haired girl said with a deadpanned look on her face as the boy cried "So mean, Violet!"

" The purple-black haired girl said with a deadpanned look on her face as the boy cried "So mean, Violet!"

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(More about them will be revealed soon)

~Back at the studio~

I heavily and tiredly sighed as I cleared my throat and soon spoke up, which got everyone's attention "I apologize if I interrupted your reunion, but there's seems to be a slight problem that me and Yûzhòu had to fix soon, but not to worry, we immediately prepared some rooms for you all to settle in for the time being, for now, head to the Lounging Room for you all to catch up and rest, we will announced for you all to come back in once the situation is repaired, head to the double doors to the left and me and Yûzhòu shall get started."

Everyone nodded as they soon started leaving until me and Yûzhòu were the only people left "So I'm guessing Cleo messed something up again." Yûzhòu asked as I nodded and soon spoke "We have to repair this as soon as possible, I hope the others can wait for a good long while." Yûzhòu nodded and we soon started repairing the problem Cleo created, maybe we can add some things as well.


The others are at the Lounging Room, as they were catching up, telling stories and eating some snacks that me and Yûzhòu left for them.

(Also, pictures don't belong to me, they belong to the original owners)

Lumine was seen sitting on the couch with Amber and Collei while Paimon was munching on the snacks that were provided as they were chatting

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Lumine was seen sitting on the couch with Amber and Collei while Paimon was munching on the snacks that were provided as they were chatting. The group of people were able to introduced themselves one by one a while ago as Amber asked "Hey traveler, since you knew Yûzhòu, is there anyone else you knew before me and Paimon met you?" "Yeah, Paimon's curious about that too." Paimon said after she finished eating as Lumine spoke "Well just a few and no need to be so formal, Lumine is fine." Amber nodded as Collei soon spoke out "Though I wonder what we're going to react." They nodded as my voice was heard through the megaphone "Okay everyone, you may now come back into the Cinema Room."

Everyone then went through the double doors as they can see a few changes in the Cinema Room, soon they saw me and Yûzhòu as I spoke up "Okay everyone, please take a seat on the seating arrangements that me and Yûzhòu provided and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask." They nodded as they soon took their seats.

•Seating Arrangements•

1st Row

Lumine, Paimon, Amber, Barbara, Jean, Kaeya, Lisa, Razor, Crepus, Diluc, Venti, Carmen, Mona, Bennett, Fischl, Sucrose, Albedo, Klee Diona, Noelle, Mika, Eula, Rosaria

2nd Row

Childe, Zhongli, Guizhong, Xiao, Bosacius, Menogias, Indarias, Bonanus, Shenhe, Ningguang, Beidou, Keqing, Ganyu, Xiangling, Hu Tao, Yanfei, Yelan, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Baizhu, Qiqi, Yaoyao, Yun Jin, Xingyan

3rd Row

Yae Miko, Ei, Makoto, Sara, Itto, Kuki, Kokomi, Gorou, Kazuha, Tomo, Yoimiya, Ayato, Ayaka, Thoma, Heizo, Tokubetsuna, Kirara, Sayu, Niwa, Scaramouche, Yasashī

4th Row

Kaveh, Alhaitham, Candace, Dehya, Nilou, Cyno, Collei, Tighnari, Rukkhadevata, Nahida, Faruzan, Layla, Dori

After counting them all, I spoke up "Alright everyone, I'm letting you all know that more people will be coming here soon and we'll be adjusting the Cinema Room the more you progress on what you'll be watching, any more questions?" Layla raised her hand and asked "Um, are we also going to take breaks if we're done what were going to react?" I nodded as Yûzhòu spoke up "Of course, you all will take each break when the arc of the show will end. Alright, is that all?" They all nodded as me and Yûzhòu looked at each other and smiled as we turned out attention towards the screen, that was soon lighting up, I snapped my fingers once more as me and Yûzhòu poofed into our own seats as everyone's attention was on the screen as it soon started playing.

To be continued...

• • • • • • • • • •
Published in: Dec. 23, 2023
Edit in: Apr. 6, 2024

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