I'm coming home Kei

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Keira's POV:
Things did improve after Lucy came to visit. We spent those few days attached at the hip of course, and the goodbye was pretty difficult. I'd promised to always tell her how I was feeling and to not let myself slip into that state again. Our communication got loads better, and over the seasons she spent in France we each made frequent visits to see each other when we could. Obviously it was still hard not constantly living together, but I felt so much better about the whole situation and my mood improved massively. I'd finally got back to my best football too, which I was so relieved about.

We were now at the start of 2020, yep me and Lucy had been together that long! Lucy was absolutely killing it in France, she's a main player in the Lyon squad playing the best football of her life, and she's won the Champion's League! I'm so bloody proud of her, and while this has been a difficult couple of years, we're stronger than ever and I wouldn't change it for the world. We've managed to maintain this amazing relationship, while Luce has also been able to take herself and her career to the next level, everything worked out in the end.

There's this "coronavirus" thing going round at the minute, we haven't really heard too much about it in England but Lucy's been filling me in from her end. It seems to be really rife in other countries, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before we hear more about it here. I didn't really realise how bad it was until I found out France were planning a lockdown?? Lyon had offered all of their players to go home ahead of this lockdown, as football was being stopped for the foreseeable. Of course the second Lucy was offered the chance to come back to Manchester she snatched their hands off. I was absolutely over the moon to be honest, although the circumstances aren't the best, I was getting my girl back. We had no idea how long this was going to last. A few days? A week? More? I didn't know but I didn't care, Luce was coming home! It was pretty short notice, but that only meant I'd be seeing her sooner so I didn't mind at all.

Lucy had sent her flight details over to me as I was going to pick her up. It was early but that was the least of my worries. I parked in the pick up bays and waited to see my Luce walk through the arrivals doors. There she was. Hair in a classic messy bun, glasses on, matching Nike tracksuit, pulling her bags beside her. It was 7:30 in the morning yet she still looked so good. I hopped out of the car and ran over to her, jumping in her arms causing her to drop her luggage. After we stayed like that for a moment, she tapped my bum insinuating me to get down and picked up her fallen luggage.

Once we were in the car she turned to me, grabbed my face and pulled me in to kiss me. It was very passionate and getting heated pretty quickly, it was like she couldn't stop. I finally pulled us apart and said "missed me much?" with a smirk. All she could mutter out was a "mhm" before her lips were on mine once again. I was undeniably loving having her like this, but I wanted to get her back home. "Luce, let's get you home and then we can carry this on there" I mumbled into her lips slightly giggling, which she finally agrees to, despite a disappointed grumble. She lingered a constant hand on my thigh the whole journey. It's normally me who can't get enough affection, but a needy Lucy is secretly my favourite. Cuddles all day for me!

We made it home and Lucy was greeted by our excitable westie jumping up at her. She picked Narla up, kissing her head and fussing over her saying "did you miss me? Yes you did, yes you did" in that voice, you know the one. I watched on in awe as my girlfriend looked so genuinely happy to be back in our lovely home with our fur baby. My heart warms every time she comes back, our quiet house becomes a loving home the minute she returns. It does make me wish she was here all the time, how it used to be, but I'm not thinking like that right now. She's here and that's all that matters.

*Time skip*
Lucy's POV:
Well I don't think any of us were expecting the lockdown to last this long. I came back to Manchester at the beginning of March, and now here I still am in June. As much as I've missed football, I can't deny that I've absolutely loved these few months at home. No commitments, no stress, just spending 24 hours a day with my favourite person in the whole world. I can tell Keira's loved having me back too, I've never seen her so happy and it really is good to see her back to her bubbly self. It's made me crave this home life back that we've missed out on over the last few years. I want to wake up to Keira, eat dinner together, cuddle up on the sofa while we watch some stupid series on Netflix. All the things I previously took for granted which actually make me so unbelievably happy. That is why I've made a decision. I'm coming home... for good.

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