- Chapter One -

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(Alright,  if I forget the o in Blitz's name, please forgive me, since I'm honestly used to writing it as Blitz)

"Blitzo!" A tall female imp slapped Blitzo slightly. "Blitzo get up you lazy sack of shit we're gonna be late!"

Blitzo finally woke up, and rubbed his eyes. The sun blindingly glared through the window, making the two imps squint.

"Alright, alright, Barb, I'm up..." Blitzo muttered with a bad headache, probably because of his father yelling the night before.

"C'mon! Dad will be mad if we don't hurry!"
Barbie Wire hauled Blitzo up by the arm, and Blitzo winced a little.

"Hey watch it!" Blitzo grabbed a clown outfit from his closet. "I'll meet you on stage, alright?"

"Alright." Barbie Wire went to the backstage area, and eventually Blitzo ran over there too.

"Heya Blitzo!" Fizzarolli walked over to Blitzo.

"Hey." Blitzo mumbled with a slight wave.

Then, Tilla, Blitzo and Barbie's mother walked over to the two imp siblings. "Good luck, my darlings." She smiled to her two children, then walked away.

Blitzo smiled a bit, and then got on stage with his sister and best friend.

During the performance, Blitzo had oh so many flaws. First, when he was trying to make balloon animals, he failed about 11 different times, and after that, he attempted to juggle, but failed of course, and just to top off all of the flaws, he fell off of the typewire and sprained his wrist, and somehow cut it.

"My dear... Are you okay? The cuts aren't bleeding too bad are they?" Tilla asked Blitzo, while wrapping some bandages around his wrist.

"Yeah, I'm fine mom." Blitzo sighed, and got up to leave, when his mother pulled him back.

"I'm not done yet, darling!" She chuckled, and kissed the bandages. "Love is the best cure for any wound, y'know..."

"Thanks..." Blitz hugged Tilla, and went off with Fizzarolli again.

"Pfft. You mama's boy!" Fizzarolli said in a mocking way.

"Oh shut up! Last time I checked your an orphan because your dumbass parents couldn't be bothered to raise you. That's why you're here!" Blitz rolled his eyes, and Fizz grumbled, but then laughed it off. The two friends usually made fun of each other, and that was honestly their way of joking around.

A few hours later, Blitzo had to go home, but he didn't want to go back.

"Do I have to go?" Blitzo muttered, annoyed and somewhat upset.

"Yes." Barbie Wire looked at him.

"Urgh..." Blitzo sighed. "I don't wanna get the shit beaten out of me because I just so happened to fuck up during some acts in the circus. It's not fair." Blitzo pouted.

"Well I guess you gotta suck it up." Barbie wire shrugged, as we walked into the circus tent.

"BLITZO!" Cash, Blitzo's father yelled. "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!"

Blitzo gulped, but slowly walked over to where his probabaly drunk father was standing. "Y-yes father..?" Blitzo spoke in a quiet voice, his hands shaking.

"You fucking disgrace! Why can't you do one shitty little thing without fucking up?!" Cash yelled, and without warning, back handed Blitzo right in the face.

Blitzo teared up, and held his cheek, but just then, Tilla walked in.

"Cash, stop it! He's your son!" Tilla yelled, standing infront of Blitzo.

"He's also a disgraceful pussy!" Cash yelled back at Tilla, holding a bottle of whiskey and glaring.

"Give him some slack! You're hurting our boy because he messed up!" Tilla yelled, and got met with the bottle of whiskey in the face.

"Stop it..!" Blitzo yelled, knowing it would probably do nothing, but it was worth a shot.

"How 'bout, no." Cash grabbed Blitzo by the collar of his shirt, making the younger imp panic.

"Let him go!" Tilla yelled, holding her now cut cheek from the glass bottle.

Cash ignored Tilla's cries, and burned Blitzo's neck with a cigar. Blitzo let out a shrill shriek because of the burning on his neck, but Tilla grabbed the now crying Blitzo and held him in her arms.

"I-It Burns...!" Blitzo sobbed, as Tilla glared at Cash and took Blitzo to a different part of the circus tent.

"Shh... You'll be okay... Let it all out..." Tilla caressed Blitzo's cheek and put some healing cream onto his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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