Chapter One

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! This part is only info about this fic, if you want to start reading, scroll until you see '~~~~~'!

Hey there, first time that I write a Tokyo Revengers fic, and I needed to start with a harem! I really love this type of fic, but I can't help feeling frustrated when I read one. It seems like the harem is more one-sided than mutual, y'a know?

Like, everyone loves Takemichi but he's too oblivious and never loves them romantically, only in a friendly way. Don't worry, it won't be the case with this fic! My boy will kiss other boys, and maybe more ;)

In general, I prefer slow burn, but for once, it'll be more mid-burn/fast burn? Well, it won't take ages to see the first confession :) The plot is still here, like half of the fic is about the harem and the other one is plot.

Usually I write long chapters, but with college I won't have the time, so the chapters will be around 2000 words and there will be a lot of them. I don't know yet how long this fic will be, I hope you'll be with me until the end of this journey! Also, I'm a slow updater, but don't forget, even if it takes me months, I always come back!

You can leave kudos and comments if you want, I read all of them :)

English is not my first language and I don't have a beta reader, sorry for the misspelling and typos.

For the person interested in the different ship, here a list of all the men I will pair with Takemichi for now :

Chifuyu Matsuno / Hajime Kokonoi / Hakkai Shiba / Izana Kurokawa / Kazutora Hanemiya / Keisuke Baji / Ken Ryuguji / Manjiro Sano / Nahoya Kawata / Souya Kawata / Seishu Inui / Shuji Hanma / Tetta Kisaki / Takashi Mitsuya / Kakucho

And here the ones I'm not sure yet :

Haruchiyo Sanzu / Haitani Ran / Haitani Rindo

If you want you can suggest another male character you want to see paired with Takemichi (I don't promise I'll pair them with him, but I might) ! I can't wait to start the romance between the characters, and I think the first ship will appear around chapter 10~12.

Pleasant reading and take care !


Takemitchi died in Mikey's arms for the last time. Takemitchi died and didn't expect to wake up. Except he did. And this was so wrong.

He did everything he could to save his friend, sacrificed so many good futures to save one person. He tried until the end and almost succeeded. He wanted to think that the tears in Mikey's eyes were genuine, that he would become a better person, even if Takemichi wouldn't be here to see it. He trusted the others to help him, to be at his side like they all promised long ago.

He hoped he would die at peace. But even this simple request, fate didn't grant it to him.

So when Takemichi opened his eyes to find himself in a dark alley and not in his house, he let himself -for the first time- break. He screamed and cried until his throat was sore, until he didn't have any tears left. He exhausted himself and fell asleep.

The second time he woke up, he was still in the alley, but there were hints of light in the sky. He looked up, the stars were shining bright and even in his miserable state, Takemichi let himself admire without a care in the world.

He was tired, so tired, he wanted to rest, to close his eyes and never woke up. But if death didn't want to open their door to him, then he would respect this decision and continue to go on.

He would try to understand what he failed this time and made it work. He didn't care about how many other timelines it would take, at the end, he will have his happy ending. Takemichi was maybe not good at fighting, but he was stubborn and would never give up.

Et ça continue, encore et encore (Takemichix Male Harem)Where stories live. Discover now