short 2

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at night Max was going his  history project for school, he was doing a project about Nikola tesla, of course Molly did insist of doing his project for him but he decided on doing this on his own. right now he was making a kite.

G.Molly: so how's the project bestie!?

Max: good, just need to do this and I'm done, as I'm done with all my project, however i wonder how's Molly doing at all the project she's doing.

G.Molly: oh I'm sure she's fine, but um, i was wondering of something.

Max: yeah?

G.Molly: what you htink of her.

Max: well she is my friends, she can be annoying with her joy, a bit obliviouse when people dont want to do it i her way. but, i guess i found her kind, nice, joyfull. . . i bit to joyfull.

Max thinks the time with her, and without him knoing hsi cheeks blush.

Max: she is. . . *look at G.Molly* she look amazing also.

Max stare at G.Molly as he see both of them the same and seeing her just remind of how the two look familer. G.molly then started to blush by Max looking at her with that stare.

G.Molly: o-oh ok well i guess so since she is also like me in evryway.

Max: yeah. . . even how, cute you both are.

that word slipp couses the two to be blushed of that.

MAx: w-wait no that not what i mean! i um! gotta use the toilet!

Max rush out of the room leaving G.Molly there still blushing, and that's when G.andrea came out of hiding.

G.andrea: well that was aqword.

G.molly: AH! andrea?! how long you watch?!

G.Andrea: enough to see you both blushing, you do know he just say that cause he has a crush on molly, the human right?

G.Molly: what *scoff* ofcourse i know that i mean a ghost and human? that ridiscolies.

G.molly loughed nervuslt as G.andrea look not convince.

G.Andrea: yeah, just for you know that the reason why their here becouse you curse him whit us, someday that curse will go off and you might say goodbye to him, so if i were you ii probably stop with all of that.

G.Molly: but he my human bestie, i can't just do that. Libby als o like him, why you don't

G.Andrea: because I! don't want nothing from that boy, cause we do have a job to do and we gonna do that, not all friendship last and soon you understand.

she then left as G.Molly sighed, she then head to the window.

G.Molly: i mean of course he might have a thing with molly, not me cause i am all ghost and whatever. . . but, can it really be happening?

meanwhile Max was washing his face with water on the sink.

Max: what was that, why did i said that?

Max look at the mirror.

 Max: i mean, she is tetchily the ghost version of molly, with all of her personality and. . .

max then sighed.

Max: this is crazy, she is my best friend.

he thinks about the kiss were he place his hand were it was.

Max: dose she. . . thinks more of that?

max shake his head.

Max: no, don't think stupid like that of course we just friends. . . wonder how's she been doing with he project. i guess i found out at the fair.

max get out of the bathroom and took a nap at night, however G.Molly came out were she stare at Max, she look around to see anyone then G.molly flies near him, she is nervous but then she close her eyes and kiss his cheeks then she blushed of that and flies away.

G.Molly: (can't believe i just did that!)

(thanks for reading, please comment and vote, see you soon)

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