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saiyarareau✓ 31m

saiyarareau✓ 31m

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"Did you come to the gym to take selfies and videos of yourself or to work out?" Joseph Fatu aka Sefa Fatu asked me as I posted another selfie video on my Instagram story

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"Did you come to the gym to take selfies and videos of yourself or to work out?" Joseph Fatu aka Sefa Fatu asked me as I posted another selfie video on my Instagram story.

"I came to watch you, Papi," I answered with a wink.

"Keep calling me Papi and I'm gonna make you a mami," Sefa mumbled with a roll of his eyes as he continued doing his sets of push-ups.

"What was that?" I asked him.

"Nothing," He answered.

"You and your mouth, I'm just gonna have to suffocate you with this pussy," I mumbled before I picked up my phone off the ground and put it away to follow Sefa around the gym of the hotel we are currently staying in for SmackDown.

"Keep mumbling and I'm gonna make you mumble around this dick," Sefa said with a wink.

"How romantic," I said, smirking.

This flirting with Sefa has been happening for a while now. It's been about six months of us building sexual tension. But I didn't know how serious he was about it. Meanwhile, I was ready to have the younger Samoan in my bed. I could barely contain myself around him. I've had a crush on him since meeting him at Trinity and Jon's wedding.

"Here y'all go again, just fuck already and put everyone out of their misery," Jon said as he walked into the gym with Josh, overhearing our conversation.

"Shut up," Sefa and I said at the same time.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help y'all out," Jon said, raising his hands in surrender.

Josh chuckled.

"Uce, they're not serious," Josh said.

"You probably right, uce," Jon said.

"Reverse psychology isn't going to work on me," I said, knowing what the twins were trying to do.

Sefa shakes his head and goes over to the treadmill while I playfully glare at Jon and Josh. "Y'all are ruining our bonding time," I said.

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